But then he swayed along with her to the beat, and before they knew it, they were dancing with abandon. As Mel moved, she felt the tension of the last few months slip away, absorbed by the balmy April air. Everything she’d wanted for her future lay right at her fingertips. Everything, for once, was finally falling into place like it should.

She moved to the music as song poured into song

, tipping her head back toward an indigo sky, feeling the beat of the drums vibrate through her until her pulse became the drums and the drums became her pulse. She danced until she was breathless and the tang of sweat coated her brow. She twirled and spun until she became one with the songs.

And before she knew what was happening, two hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her in. She laughed as she glanced up into familiar eyes, nearly onyx, lost in song under the twinkling lights, and she knew this was a night she’d always remember. The night she flew like a bird through the winding streets, and Blake gave her dreams room to grow.

Blake pressed a hand to her lower back, then spun her out away from him and reeled her back in again. He twirled her around and they danced together until the music became a part of them. It seeped into their bones and reached into their souls. They moved until the crowds died, her feet ached, and her stomach hurt from hunger.

And then the song shifted into something slow and soft. Blake pulled her in and held her in his arms, drifting to the soft melody, one hand pressed firmly over her lower back, the other sliding to her shoulder. Suddenly, the music faded as all of Mel’s attention zeroed in on the heat of his touch through the thin cotton of her blouse.

Her breath snagged in her throat, and she chuckled self-consciously, then met his eye, and the world stopped. He stared down at her with unwavering intensity. His eyes shined like firelight under the twinkle lights, and the way he looked at her. . . It was like she was the only thing in the room, the only thing he saw.

He inched even closer, his hand moving from her shoulder to beneath her chin, where he tipped her face back. Warning bells rang in her head because she knew that look. It had been a long time since she had stared into the eyes of a man who wanted to kiss her. But instinct kicked in, and her lips parted slightly. His soft breath caressed her lips like a siren call, and then he pressed his mouth to hers.

His lips were everything she imagined they would be—warm and soft, giving, yet pliant. Her breathing hitched as he expertly moved his mouth, nipping at her lips in soft, breathless, whispers—teasing, tasting, testing as he drew her even closer.

It had been so long since she’d kissed anyone. Craig had been the last, but even from the haziest of memories, it had been nothing like this soul-stealing, ache-inducing, mind-numbing call to her heart. This kiss was fire and ice and everything good in the world. Together, they could light the place on fire.

But as she brought her hand up over his cheek, feeling the grate of his stubble, it grounded her. Reality hit her like a bucket of ice.

He wasn’t hers to kiss.

She dropped her hands in between them, to his chest, and shoved him away, stumbling back.

Blake swallowed, catching his breath as he gazed at her through hooded eyes. “Mel . . .” He reached out.

“What are you doing? What are we—we can’t do this?” She covered her mouth with her hands and groaned. What had she done? “What about Jen and—”

“It’s over.” Blake stepped forward, hands out, pleading for her to listen.

Mel shook her head and backed away. She wouldn’t be that woman. But she allowed him closer anyway, and he gripped her arms as they locked eyes, his expression earnest. “No. You don’t understand. We really are over. We’re not together anymore. I ended it.”

“What?” Mel’s heart pounded through her ribs. “When?”

“Last weekend, after we went house hunting. I knew then that I couldn’t stay with her another minute.”

Mel’s chest grew tight, and her head spun. “Why?”

One corner of Blake’s mouth curled. “Because it’s kind of hard to be with someone when you’re falling for another woman.”

“Blake,” she breathed because it couldn’t be true, could it? In her wildest dreams, Mel might’ve hoped, but she’d never really thought . . .

“Everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I need is standing right in front of me.” He lowered his forehead to hers, and she grew dizzy on her feet. “I want you, Mel Clark, even with your kids and your tiny apartment and your awful dancing.”

Mel punched him, but there was no force behind it as she fought off the threat of tears. “My dancing is not awful.”

“I want all of it,” he said.

Mel’s throat tightened. “Are you sure you don’t just want me for my money?”

Blake laughed, and Mel launched herself at him, into his arms, her mouth crushing his because maybe happy endings did exist.

WHEN THEY PULLED UP outside Mel’s apartment complex at nearly midnight, for just one fleeting moment, she wished she didn’t have to go inside, that this night would never end. Then maybe the spell wouldn’t be broken. Reality wouldn’t sink in. A part of her worried the moment it did, she’d second guess everything that happened. But as she slid off the motorcycle and removed her helmet, she knew the promise of tomorrow would have to be enough.

Blake walked her into the building and up to her apartment on the second floor. When he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, Mel felt a smile tug at her lips.

“Thanks for tonight.” Blake leaned into her, pinning her against the wall, one arm braced over her head. “Did you have fun?” he asked, brushing her hair away from her face.