Needing some space, Mel stepped back, filling her lungs with less enticing non-Blake scented air. “Thanks. Help yourself.”

They stared at each other for a moment before she forced her feet to move. She turned around to retrieve a granola bar from a cupboard, silently laughing at herself for acting so weird.

So they almost kissed? Almost was the keyword in that sentence. It didn’t happen. Why should things be weird?

Because, kiss or not, you’re hot for him.

Mel scowled at the thought, ripped a peanut granola bar from the package, and whirled around when she bumped straight into Blake, reaching for a mug. “Oh!”

She wobbled on her feet, but Blake’s hands shot out, steadying her before she could spill her coffee, his grip tight on her hips. Her breath puffed out of her chest, and her stomach dipped as a ball of warmth pooled low in her belly. “Sorry,” she whispered.

He said nothing as his eyes locked on hers. Then he slowly shifted his dark gaze down her body, over her dark green blouse and pencil skirt. “You look really nice,” he murmured.


Blake licked his lips, the movement catching her gaze and holding it there. He had yet to let her go, and every nerve ending in her body was on high alert. Much longer, and she’d combust.

He opened his mouth to say something, just as a crash came from the living room, followed by the sound of little feet slapping the floor.

“Guess what?”

Blake jumped back like he’d been burned just as Peter appeared. His little voice echoed through Mel’s bones as she cleared her throat and forced down the flush in her cheeks.

Mel struggled to gain her bearings, while Blake smiled, seemingly unfazed. “What?”

“I haven’t had any

accidents in almost three days,” he proudly announced.

Blake shoved his hands in his pockets. “Is that right?”

Peter nodded his head enthusiastically.

“Sounds like maybe you need extra stickers on your chart.”

Peter’s little mouth dropped open, and he raised his fists. “Yes! Brady, Kinsley, guess what . . .” he called out, running back into the bedroom to share the news.

Mel laughed, whatever moment had transpired between her and Blake forgotten. “You helped with that, you know. He’s doing so well. A complete three-sixty, and I’m pretty sure I have you to thank.”

Blake shrugged and leaned back against the counter. “Nah, he’s just finally adjusting to all the changes. It was only a matter of time.”

Mel glanced down at the coffee in her hands, thinking back on what Blake had said to her Saturday night and throwing it back at him. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. The things you’ve done with these kids in such a short amount of time . . .” Her voice trailed off, her throat thickening with a swell of emotion she’d rather repress.

What will they do without him? She didn’t want to find a replacement, and she feared the second she sent the kids back to their daycare program, Peter would regress again. But what choice did she have?

“Hey,” he reached out and touched her arm like he could sense the trajectory of her thoughts. This time, there was no burning desire or electric spark, only concern sparking in his eyes as he tried to meet her gaze.

“It’s fine.” Mel waved his concern away, then straightened. “Anyway, today’s the big day,” she said, fixing a smile on her face.

Blake’s frown disappeared, and his eyes lit up. “You sign your contract, huh?”

“Yup.” Mel smacked her lips together. She was so excited she could barely stand it.

“That’s amazing. Savor it. You should be proud.”

“I will.” She hugged her travel mug to her chest, savoring the warmth it offered, or maybe it was Blake’s eyes.

Blake shuffled closer, and for a brief moment, Mel thought he might start where they left off, when he reached around her to the counter and grabbed a clean mug from the dishrack. She smothered her disappointment with a smile as he stepped back and filled his mug, then glanced over at her. “You get your dream position today, and I have no doubt you’ll finally get your house. Things are looking up.” He smiled and lifted the mug to his lips before he said, “Before you know it, you’ll have everything you want.”