“You started it.” I drop a kiss on her nose. “Have a good day?”

“Feeling extra glad you’re finally home.” She grins. “I missed you.”

I like this honest stuff too. We’re real with each other. Open. No bullshit. I don’t hold back and neither does she. Frankly, it’s surprising. I didn’t believe I had it in me. I didn’t think I could act this way with a woman.

But I can with Gracie.

“I missed you too.” I press my cheek to hers, my mouth at her ear. “Eli hates us because we’re too happy.”

She pulls away slightly, frowning. “Really? That sucks. He did seem a little grumpy when he got home a few minutes ago.”

“I don’t think he means it. He just…he’s frustrated he can’t see his girl regularly,” I explain.

“That would be hard,” she says with a sigh. “Props to them for making it work.”

I consider telling Gracie about Ava being at Tony’s get-together tonight, but I restrain myself. Eli could be anywhere in the apartment right now. Lurking in the hall. Standing in the kitchen. What if he heard me?

Nope. Keeping this little secret to myself. They’ll all find out soon enough.

“It would be hard.” I kiss her cheek. I can’t resist. My lips always seek her out. “You know what else is hard?”

I grab her hand and settle it over my semi-erect dick.

She laughs, giving me a teasing squeeze before she yanks her hand away. “You’re insatiable.”

“You love it.”

“I don’t know about that.” She’s teasing me. Something she’s really good at doing. There is nothing I enjoy more than a good Gracie tease.

The girl is naughty. She says things that can sometimes shock me. And she lets me do things to her that no other woman has allowed, which is fucking great.

She’s full of surprises.

“Let’s go to my room,” I tell her, taking her hand and leading her down the hall.

She doesn’t protest. She doesn’t say anything at all. The moment we’re in my room and the door shuts, she falls into my arms, her hands sliding beneath my clothes.

Until we’re both lost in each other completely.



We arrive at Tony’s house a little later than usual, only because we had sex and then fell asleep in each other’s arms. Meaning we overslept and when Caleb woke up first, he shook me awake and said we had to go.

I feel a little dazed still, but not in a bad way. More like in a, wow I can’t believe he just made me come like that way. He teases my ass every time he goes down on me now, and it feels…good. No denying it. But that last orgasm he gave me knocked me for a loop and left me exhausted.

No wonder I fell asleep.

We enter Tony’s house to find the gang is already there. Jocelyn and Diego are sitting on the couch. Hayden is in the kitchen making margaritas, her new specialty—I can hear the whirl of the blender. I spot Jackson first and I go to him, letting him wrap me up in a big hug.

“My second biggest fan,” he says, teasing me.

I squeeze him tightly before I pull away slightly to stare into his handsome face. Somehow, he’s become even better looking. His hair is longer and blonder, and his smile is open. He seems…content. “You look good,” I tell him.

“I feel good,” he admits. “You look great, Gracie.”

“Why thank you.” I shimmy out of his arms, glancing around looking for Caleb, who’s chatting with Diego and Jocelyn. “Where’s your girl?”