g her lips sticky sweet before I kiss her. She laughs and does the same thing to me, and fuck me standing, this is some major foreplay shit. I can’t stop thinking about getting her into that tent and having my way with her.

But this is fun too. Sitting outside, enjoying the cold weather and the fire. The entire beach is dotted with people doing the same thing, some of them camping in trailers or motor homes. If we had more time, I’d suggest renting an ATV tomorrow and take her for a ride in the dunes.

I used to drive like a bat out of hell in those dunes though, so I’d probably scare the shit out of her.

We eventually pack up the rest of our stuff and I put the fire out as best as I can. We walk over to a nearby bathroom to take care of our nightly rituals and then we’re back at the tent, ready for bedtime.

“What time is it?” she asks me.

I’ve barely looked at my phone today. I’ve noticed she hasn’t either. “Almost nine-thirty,” I say after I check the screen.

Her mouth drops open. “That’s early.”

“Oh, I’m not suggesting we go to sleep yet,” I tell her, raising my brows. “But we can definitely go to bed.”

“It’s going to be cold.” She shivers extra hard for emphasis.

“I’ll keep you warm.”

“We’re going to snuggle in the sleeping bag?” she asks hopefully.

“Hell yeah, babe. Get your ass in there.” I give said ass a light slap, making her squeal as she darts into the tent. I follow in after her, setting the lantern on the ground before I turn to zip the flaps closed.

The tent is actually pretty nice. A newer one I don’t remember using before, so Dad must’ve bought it after I moved out. We can both stand in it—well, I hunch my shoulders a little bit but not as much as usual. It’s big enough for us to move around in, and it’s pretty damn secure, even with that ocean wind howling outside. I brought a couple of pillows and sleeping bags and some extra blankets to layer on the ground since it’s going to be pretty hard.

If Gracie wants to sleep on top of me, I’m good with that.

“Let’s make the bed,” she suggests and I help her, following her lead. Girls always know how to make things cozy, and this one is no exception. By the time we’re finished, there’s a layer of blankets beneath the sleeping bags along with the pillows and it appears pretty damn comfy.

“What are you wearing to sleep in?” she asks me.

I whip off my hoodie, taking the T-shirt with it. “This. Well, I’ll kick off the shorts too.”

“You won’t be cold?”

I grab her hand and rest it on my stomach. “I’m hot.”

“Yes, you are,” she murmurs with a laugh as she pulls her hand away. “Fine.”

She kicks off her flip flops and I watch as she gets rid of the hoodie. And the sweatpants too. Until she’s standing there in a pair of black panties and a tank top, her nipples poking against the fabric like they’ve been doing all damn day.

Fucking distraction, those nipples.

“Keep me warm,” she says before she ducks down, flipping the sleeping bag open and slipping beneath it.

I join her, pulling her into me, our legs colliding, my dick brushing against her belly. I roll her over so she’s on her back and I’m on top of her, letting her feel every inch of me that’s been dying to get inside of her since the moment in the parking lot earlier.

I’d tried a couple more times to get in her panties throughout the day, but she’d always push me away, telling me to wait, or that it was in too public of a place. Which she was right. There’s no denying that, but I never got mad.

No, the waiting has just made this moment even more memorable. I feel like I’ve been dying for this pussy all damn day. Lying in wait. Being patient.

Now I can finally make a move.

“You uncomfortable?” I ask, just before I run my mouth along her jaw.

A sigh leaves her as her hands slide into the hair at the back of my head. “No.”

“Are you warm?” My lips blaze a path down her neck and I feel her shiver.