But I am also a jealous shrew who’s suddenly full of insecurities and worry over how Caleb is going to eventually treat me.

Is he going to give me the same treatment that he did Baylee? Hang out with me and fuck me constantly only to then pretend I don’t exist? I will be so pissed if he does that.


I will be so freaking…


“You’re quiet,” he says as he hits the remote to unlock the truck. He follows me to the passenger side, opening the door for me like a gentleman. “Did it bother you just now, seeing Baylee?”

I climb into the truck, not saying a word, still thinking. I don’t want to say the wrong thing. I don’t want to be that woman who makes demands like, “I never want you to talk to your ex ever again!”

I would love to make that demand right now, in my irrational state, but deep down, I know that’s wrong. Unnecessary. I trust that Caleb isn’t interested in Baylee anymore. He’s totally into me.

But for how long? That’s the issue that’s niggling at me.

Caleb climbs into the truck and starts the engine, but doesn’t go anywhere. He turns to look at me, and I can feel his heavy gaze as I keep my head bent. The longer I go without saying anything, the more awkward this moment is going to be.

Looks like I’m headed straight into mega awkward land. It can’t be helped.

“G, look at me,” he demands softly.

I lift my head, my gaze finding his. He doesn’t look upset or irritated, which is a point for me. No, he’s looking at me with those same horny eyes, though there’s another emotion sparking in them. One I don’t really recognize.

“I talk to Baylee and I feel nothing. Looking at her, seeing her with her new dude…I’m happy for her. She deserves a good guy, and I wasn’t good for her. I know that.” He reaches for me, his hand finding mine and interlocking our fingers. “Say something, babe. You’re killing me right now.”

I like it that he calls me babe. I’ve never been one for cheesy nicknames but the way he says it, the glint in his eyes…I love it. Way too much. “You scare me,” I admit.

He frowns, his fingers tightening around mine. “How so?”

A deep sigh escapes me and I hang my head. “You bailed on every woman you met relatively fast. But not Baylee. You held onto her for a long time, and took complete advantage of her too. I…I don’t want to end up like that. Like her.”

There. I said it. The words are out, hovering between us and ready to detonate. He could become defensive. Or freak out. I wouldn’t doubt a reaction like that coming from him. I’d even expect it.

“You won’t,” he says vehemently. I lift my head, noticing the gleam in his gaze. The firm set of his jaw. He almost appears angry, but not at me. “I respect you too damn much to do that to you. I swear.”

My resolve melts, as does my heart. “Really?”

He nods, leaning in so his face is in mine. “I’m consumed with you. How could I ignore you or forget you? You’re in the forefront of my mind, day and fucking night. I want to kiss you. I want to fuck you. I want to feel your mouth on my cock and I want to hear your laugh. I want to make you come. I want to talk to you. Spend time with you. I just—I want. You.”

Oh shit. My heart has now completely disintegrated at his passionate declaration. Like, it’s completely gone.

I smile, on the verge of tears. “Caleb.”

That’s all I can say. Just his name.

He smiles, and the look on his face is so tender, so sweet, tears do spring in the corner of my eyes. “Gracie,” he whispers.

Right before he kisses me.



I am a happy man.

We’re sitting on the beach in front of the fire I just made, roasting hot dogs on one of those spear things my dad loaned us. Gracie is sitting right next to me, clad in sweatpants and a thick hoodie, the hood over her head because the wind whips her hair around in her eyes, driving her nuts.