She’s still not moving, her expression dazed and I can’t help but think I rocked my girl’s world.

Wait a minute. My girl? I don’t think so. I’m jumping way ahead of myself.

“Want a snack?” I ask as I put the truck in reverse and back out of the parking space.

She watches me carefully, tugging her tank top back into place before she readjusts her panties. “Is that a normal thing for you?”

“What exactly are you referring to?”

“Pulling over at a gas station and fucking a girl’s brains out in oh, say five minutes?” She bends down, reaching for her shorts that are on the floorboard.

I pull into a spot directly in front of the mini mart. “Not usually, no.”

“So I’m a special case.”

“I can’t resist you, G. Your cute little titties drive me out of my mind,” I tell her with a grin.

She rolls her eyes. “I don’t know if I can take that as a compliment. Cute little titties? You sound like a middle schooler.”

“Okay, how about I tell you that I can’t stop

thinking about your hot pussy milking my cock. Does that sound like the words of a middle schooler?”

I don’t wait for her reply. Instead, I turn off the truck’s engine and hop out, suddenly famished. We should’ve stopped earlier, got some In-N-Out or Taco Bell or whatever when we passed through that last town, but I was hell-bent on getting to our destination at the time and wasn’t in the mood to stop.

Now I’m stuck with gas station food. And I’m starving.

I’m rounding the front of the truck, tossing the used condom in a nearby trash can before I walk into the mini mart when Gracie hops out of the truck as well, looking completely put together, not a hair out of place. I hit the keyless remote to lock the truck and we enter the store walking beside each other, that ever-present sexual tension buzzing between us, reminding me that I want her again.

When do I not want her? Fuck, it’s even worse, now that I’ve had her.

Twenty times worse.

I bet no one would guess I just had my dick buried deep inside her not even five minutes ago. Though I swear to God, I can still smell her, lingering on my skin. Like her scent is rubbed all over me.

Not gonna complain though.

We pick out bags of chips and I grab a couple of deep fried burritos that look like they’ve been sitting under the heat lamp for a while. Gracie passes on the fried food, opting for a single serve salad she finds in the refrigerated section. We both grab sodas from the fountain and when we get to the register, I insist on paying. She lets me, thanking me as we walk outside and within seconds, we’re back in the truck, feasting on our finds.

“This is so weird,” she says before she shoves a forkful of lettuce into her mouth.

“What is?” I ask after I polish off the first burrito. All this fucking is leaving me hungry.

“What we’re doing.” She waves a hand between us. “Having sex like we just did.”

“I thought it was hot.”

“It was,” she says without hesitation. “I just…”

Her voice drifts and she shoves another forkful of salad into her mouth, preventing her from speaking any further.

“You just what?” I prompt.

“I’ve never done that before. Had sex with a dude in the middle of the day parked behind a gas station. Like we can’t control ourselves.” She sends me a questioning look. “Have you?”

“Nope.” I tear open a bag of Doritos and shove a bunch in my mouth. My coaches would kill me if they saw me right now. I’m not treating my body like a temple, but I get the feeling I’m going to burn so many calories in the next twenty-four hours, my temple can handle some junk food.

“Really?” She sounds shocked.