“I am,” I say solemnly. “But I don’t like taking risks.”

“Having sex with me is taking a risk?” He raises a brow.

Oh, he doesn’t know the half of it. Having sex with Caleb is risky to my emotions. My heart.

I’m scared once we actually have sex, I won’t want to stop. I’ll become too attached. Before I always told him I was afraid he’d fall in love with me, but I’m starting to think it’s the opposite now.

I’m afraid I’ll fall in love with him. And the idea of that is…


“I’m not about to get an STD,” I tell him, and he actually looks hurt. “Not that I think you have one.”

“I get tested regularly,” he says defensively. “Being on the football team, they make us get tested for all kinds of stuff.”

“I’m not implying you have an STD,” I stress, resting my hand on his cheek and forcing him to look at me. “We both have had sex with other people. Recently.”

“Not lately,” he says. “The only person I’ve wanted to have sex with for the last couple of months is you.”

Ah, he’s slaying me dead with those big blue eyes and sweet confessions. Who is this boy? I didn’t think Caleb had it in him. “I haven’t had sex with anyone else either. In a long time.”

“Right.” His expression turns arrogant. “Because you wanted me so damn bad.”

“We’re not having this conversation again,” I tell him, dropping a kiss on his lips. “The reason I want you to use a condom is because I don’t want to get pregnant either.”

A full body shudder moves through him. “Hell to the no.”

“Right. That’s why I double up with protection. No babies for me. I have a life I want to lead first. Kids come later,” I say firmly.

“Much later.” His mouth finds mine and he kisses me with everything he’s got. “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?”

“To your bathroom to get the condoms. Where are they?”

“Middle drawer on the right,” I tell him.

He literally shoves me aside, but gently, so I have no choice but to fall onto the bed before he stands, stretching his arms above his head, his erect cock bobbing toward me. Then he’s gone, heading into the connecting bathroom and pulling the drawer open. I can tell he’s rifling through my stuff and I get off the bed, tugging the covers back so I can dive beneath them, the cool sheets soothing my heated skin.

Caleb walks back into the bedroom, a box of condoms clutched in his hand. “You have a bunch of shit in there, G.”

I shrug, tugging the covers up practically to my chin. “It takes a lot, being me.”

He pulls a wrapped condom out before dropping the box onto the bedside table, then pulls the comforter back and dives beneath it to join me. He scoots in close, our legs tangling, bodies colliding, and he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me to him.

“Why you covering up?”

“I don’t know. For mystery?” I’m teasing, but maybe it’s true. Or more like I’m keeping up that last wall, though I don’t know why.

I’m so into him, it’s almost pitiful.

“You don’t need to act mysterious,” he says right before he presses his mouth to the side of my neck. “You’ve got me. For as long as you’ll have me.”

His words linger in my head as he lingers over my body. There’s no more talking as he trails his mouth everywhere, exploring. Learning. I can’t stop thinking of what he said, how I’ve got him, as long as I’ll have him.

That sounds…almost too good to be true.

I banish all worrisome thoughts from my head as he rises above me, tearing the wrapper open and rolling the condom on his erection. I open my eyes and watch, fascinated with the way he handles himself, breathless with anticipation. He brushes his cock against my folds, teasing. Testing. I spread my legs without hesitation, wanting him inside me.