As we get older, I know it won’t matter, but right now, sometimes that still feels like a big difference. Especially since I’ve already graduated college and I’m about to embark on my student teaching placement. My life is going to be totally different in a few months.

Guess I may as well have fun at a resort while I can. A summer job on the lake before I start my first job in my chosen career.

Once the paperwork is out of the way, I pick two Mitchell’s T-shirts out of a box for me to wear as part of my uniform. I can sense all of the employees nearby watching Michelle and me with curiosity, wondering who the new girl is, I suppose. I smile at them and they smile back, a couple of them even say hi.

“Everyone’s friendly here,” Michelle says to me as she walks me out of the store. We stop on the front porch, both of us surveying the lake across the road. It’s a brilliant blue, dotted with boats and the occasional water skier zipping by. “The summer season is already in full swing, so get ready. You’re going to be thrown right into it on your first day.”

“I can handle it,” I tell her, sounding extra confident, when I really don’t know what I’m talking about. This might be kind of scary, but I’ve got this.

I have to.

I need the money.

“I found a job,” I announce to my best friend after the server leaves with our dinner orders. We met up at a restaurant not too far from campus, me calling her at the last minute to see if she had the time to get together, eager and excited to tell her about my afternoon.

Hayden breaks out into a giant smile. “That’s great news! Where at?”

“Mitchell’s Landing,” I answer before I take a sip of my iced tea.

Her smile falls, her brows furrowing with confusion. “Wait a minute. Isn’t that where Caleb works?”

I nod. Paste on a bright smile. “Yep. He works on the dock.”

“And where will you work? At the restaurant?”

“The dock,” I answer, going for nonchalant.

Her frown deepens. “Uh, that sounds like trouble.”

“I can handle it.” I shrug. Take another sip. Start to feel itchy because Hayden won’t stop staring at me. I know that look. “What? You don’t think I can?”

“I totally think you can,” she’s quick to say. She always has faith in me, especially when I don’t have it in myself. This is one of the many qualities that makes Hayden such a great friend. “But can Caleb handle it? Working with you?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. That’s not my problem.”

“Whenever Caleb comes into a situation that you’re involved in, he becomes your problem.” Hayden leans across the table, her gaze serious, the frown gone. My friend is beautiful, both inside and out. She has a kind, giving heart. She’s made my college years unforgettable in the best way, and once she got together with Tony and brought him and all of his friends into our circle, it’s been a lot of fun.

Now though, it’s time for me to get serious. I’m in the credential program, I’ll be student teaching and soon I’ll be an actual teacher. And while I’m excited, I’m also scared. I’m scared of a lot of things right now, which is so unlike me.

All my fear of the unknown is making me uncomfortable.

“I know how to deal with him,” I finally say.

“Right. By ignoring him. But you’re not only living with him, you’re also working with him now. And that’s a lot, Gracie. He’s going to be everywhere. You’ll be dealing with him on a daily basis,” Hayden says, stressing those last words with extra emphasis. “And you know he’s going to say all sorts of things to get under your skin.”

He knows how to do that. That’s a particular skill of his, for sure.

“Does he know you’re working there?” she asks. I shake my head. “Then you need to tell him you’re going to be working with him. You can’t just spring this on him. Or worse, show up there and be like, surprise! I work here now!”

“Why not?”

“Can you imagine Caleb showing up at your workplace, announcing he’s just started there without warning you first? You’d flip the hell out,” Hayden says.

“Good point,” I admit grudgingly.

“I know. This is why you two need to talk. The animosity is getting you nowhere anyway. Don’t you want to get along with him?” Hayden asks.

“Of course I do. He just makes it impossible. I was doing so well not having him around too,” I say, remembering the past five months with absolute fondness.