“He’s looking at you right now,” Hayden says, a little too loudly. “If you two aren’t doing it yet, you will be soon.”

“Shh,” I say, not bothered by her comment whatsoever.

Tony approaches us and I leave them alone to wander through the cabin, finding myself a White Claw to sip on. I talk to Hannah, Jake’s girlfriend, and she tells me all about the art school she’s at and how much she loves it. Jake joins us at one point, slinging his arm around her shoulders and tugging her in close, pressing his lips to her forehead in the sweetest gesture. I quietly swoon, watching the two of them, and I suddenly feel…


I want that, I think to myself after I walk away from them. I think I’m finally ready. I want to be with one guy and no one else. Could that be Caleb?

The thought is scary…yet not. I can imagine myself with Caleb. We already spend a lot of time together. We’re definitely compatible. Would it be so awful to take the next step? Or would it be a giant mistake, trusting this man with my heart when he’ll most likely throw it aside once he’s done with me?

I take a big chug from my drink, the alcohol coursing down my throat and racing through my veins. I can literally feel it, and in that moment, I decide to drain the can. Screw nursing the drink for the night. I want another one.

I need another one.

In search of more to drink, I go to the kitchen to find Eli and Caleb arguing about something involving football. I grab another White Claw out of the fridge and shut the door, turning to find Caleb standing directly in front of me, Eli long gone.

“What are you up to?” he asks, his voice extra deep and extra sexy.

Swallowing hard, I lift my head to meet his gaze. He’s watching me so carefully, it makes me feel uneasy, but not in a bad way.

No, more like in a I think this guy wants me way.

“Just getting another drink,” I tell him, keeping my voice light and airy. As if I don’t have a care in the world. “What are you up to?”

“Pissing Eli off.” He grins. “It’s one of my favorite things to do.”

“I heard the two of you arguing.” I pop the tab on the White Claw can before taking a giant sip.

“It was all in good fun. I just like getting a rise out of him.” Caleb shrugs one shoulder, his gaze locked on the spot where I drink from the can. “What flavor is that?”

I check the can. “Watermelon.”

“Can I try?”

I hand the can to him. “Sure.”

His fingers graze mine as he takes it from me, sending a shiver down my spine. I know he did that on purpose. The air between us immediately becomes charged with electricity. I watch as he drinks from the can, noting the movement of his throat when he swallows.

Makes me think of that dude I hung out with for a little while last year, with the giant Adam’s apple. Franz. Nice guy. From Germany. Very proper and polite. Nothing like the guy standing in front of me.

“Delicious,” he says, licking his lips as he hands the can back over to me. “Thanks for sharing.”

I shake the can, realizing he drank quite a bit. “You should just keep it. You already drank most of it.” I thrust it back in his direction.

“You don’t want to share?” He raises a brow.

“Oh, is that what we’re doing now? Sharing?”

“We’ve shared a lot of things this summer,” he says. He makes it sound so simple. “We’ve spent a lot of time together too.”

“We have,” I agree.

“I’m starting to think you haven’t put me in the friend zone at all,” he says easily, as if we’re just having a regular conversation, though it’s anything but. “More like you’ve been treating me like a boyfriend.”

My mouth pops open and to fill it, I bring the can back to my lips, draining the rest of my drink in a few swallows.

“Don’t got anything to say about that?” he asks after I still haven’t responded.