“Good. Get ready for a good time,” I tell her with a wink before I leave her bedroom and head for mine.

I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight. But I have a good feeling about this.

A very good feeling.



By the time we arrive at the cabin Jake and Hannah rented for the night, the party is in full swing, just as Caleb predicted. I was so tired from shopping that when we first got home, I wasn’t feeling it. Plus, that nagging pain while we shopped turned into full-blown cramps. I just had my period too so I don’t know what’s up, but the idea of going to a party did not appeal.

But now I’m practically bouncing with energy as we approach the well-lit cabin. There are people standing outside on the massive front porch with beer bottles clutched in their hands, engaged in small talk. None of them are familiar faces, but Caleb says hi to all of them, nodding and smiling as we walk by them.

He grew up here, and it shows.

We enter the cabin together, Caleb and me. We lost Eli the second Caleb parked the car. He shot out of the vehicle like a bullet, off in search of his girlfriend, and clearly he found her because I see him and Ava already snuggled together on a couch in the living room, lost in each other as only two lovebirds can be.

Those two are couple goals, if you’re into that sort of thing.

“There you are!”

I turn to find Hayden making her way toward me, a giant smile on her face. She looks a little buzzed already and when she wraps me up in her arms in a generous hug, I realize she is very much buzzed. I can literally smell the alcohol on her.

“My best friend,” Hayden croons in my ear before she delivers a sloppy kiss on my cheek. “I’m so glad you made it.”

“I almost didn’t come,” I tell her as I pull out of her arms, studying her face. “You’re drunk.”

She throws her head back and laughs. “I am. I can admit it.”

“You all right?” I ask with a slight frown. It’s not like Hayden to get smashed, not anymore.

“I’m great. Not drowning my emotions in liquor, if that’s what you’re worried about.” She giggles. Hiccups. Giggles again. “I just felt like letting loose tonight. Before responsibility kicks in, you know?”

“I do know,” I say with a nod.

“Plus, there’s something about being surrounded by all of these handsome guys that sends me over the edge,” she says with a dreamy sigh.

“What do you mean?”

“Take a look around, my friend. We are surrounded by gods,” she says, utterly serious.

I do as she asks, scanning the room. I see Jake standing amongst a small group, his beautiful girlfriend Hannah next to him, watching him with adoring eyes. And I can see why, because the older he gets, the handsomer he becomes. He reminds me of his father.

And former NFL quarterback Drew Callahan back in the day—hell, even right now—was gorgeous. Total DILF material, though I’ve never admitted that to anyone, save the drunk girl standing beside me.

My gaze snags on Eli again, who is whispering something in Ava’s ear while she grins. He pulls away from her with a laugh and yep, he’s attractive. Diego and Jocelyn are cuddled next to each other on an oversized chair that’s next to the couch, lost in a world of their own making. Their heads are bent close and their gazes are fixed on each other. They are one hundred percent connected.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” I ask Hayden.

“Right there.” She points.

Looks like Tony just joined Jake’s group, stopping right next to his friend. They perform a complicated handshake as they both laugh.

“See what I’m talking about?” Hayden asks. “We’re surrounded by men with gorgeous faces and full of testosterone. I can barely take it.”

“At least you’re getting some on the regular,” I mutter, watching as Diego approaches Jake and Tony. More complicated handshakes and laughter follow and when Caleb joins them? It’s on. Those are the original four. The core of the friend group.

I love that they are all still close. That they have each other’s backs, even with Jake far away at USC. Even though he plays for another school, they support him. How could they not? They’ve come so far, mostly together.