I flash her an exaggerated smirk, going for smug. “I’ve got you fooled, woman. There is no depth here. And I’m definitely not sweet.”

Gracie just smiles and I swear I see a flash of pity in her gaze. “Okay. Whatever you need to do to convince yourself that’s all you are.”

I frown as she approaches me, getting so close I can smell her scent, feel her warmth. Carefully, she stretches, her mouth landing on my cheek, lingering there for a second too long before she pulls away. “What was that for?” I ask, tempted to rub at the spot where her lips just were on my skin.

But I keep myself in check.

“A thank you for being my friend. For indulging me on this little shopping trip I know you didn’t want to go on,” she explains. Her expression is open.

She looks happy. With me.

“You’re welcome.” I grin, surprised by how good it makes me feel, that I made her happy with something as simple as this. “But now you owe me dinner.”

She rolls her eyes and goes to the door, pushing it open and letting a blast of hot air into the cool interior of the store. “Come on. I’ll feed you.”

“Really?” I ask hopeful, my stomach growling as I follow her out into the parking lot.

“Yes, really. Caleb, you aren’t led by your dick. More like your stomach and its endless need to be filled,” she says with a laugh.

I savor the sound of her laughter, watching as she opens the trunk of her car and I drop the giant bag full of clothes inside. This all feels very…domesticated. Like we really are friends. Or maybe even a couple.

The idea of that sends an icy cold shiver of dread straight down my spine, landing in my balls.

That is the last thing I want to be.


The moment we enter the apartment, Eli is there, practically in our faces.

“We’re going out tonight,” he announces, a giant grin on his face.

“Count me out,” Gracie says as she walks past him and heads for her bedroom with the shopping bag in her hand. “I’m exhausted.”

“You’ll go with me, right?” Eli asks hopefully, his brows shooting up.

“Why are you so anxious to party? And where are we going?” I ask warily, quietly agreeing with Gracie.

I’m tired too.

“Up to the lake. Jake is home for a few days, and Hannah is with him. They rented a cabin and asked a bunch of us to join them,” Eli explains.

I slowly shake my head, hating that this asshole finds out about Jake having a get-together before I do. Jake was my friend first. “Did he invite you to go and forgot to mention it to me?”

“Ava called and told me about it. She said her brother wants all of us there. Tony and Hayden are going too. So are Jocelyn and Diego,” Eli explains.

“I didn’t even know Jake was in town.”

“It’s a brief trip. They were both missing home so they decided to come visit. He’ll be here for two nights. I’m surprised he didn’t text you.”

“Me too,” I mutter, exhaling loudly. “I have to work tomorrow. I open. So does Gracie.”

Eli slowly shakes his head. “That job eats up all of your time.”

“I need the cash,” I tell him, like I always do. “Especially since we’re practicing more starting next week. That’ll cut into my hours.”

“Well, come with us tonight. Have a few drinks and relax. You need it. You’ve been strung tight lately.” Eli claps me on the back before he heads for the kitchen. “I’m leaving in an hour. Be ready by then.”

I watch him go, contemplating my decision. I don’t mind the idea of staying home and missing out on this. I’m tired, and I’ll have to get up early to get to work tomorrow.