Just before he dips his head and kisses me in front of everybody.

“I didn’t like that hit you took,” I whisper against his seeking lips. “You scared me so bad.”

“Aw, G. Don’t worry.” He pulls away completely and spreads his arms out wide, grinning. “I’m fine.”

“You didn’t look fine earlier when you weren’t moving,” I remind him.

“I got knocked out cold for a second. Kind of a trip. Next thing I know, my eyes pop open and I can hear people chanting. They were chanting, right?” He frowns, as if he’s trying to remember.

“I don’t know. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but you lying there. Not moving.” A shudder moves through me at the memory. “I hated that.”

“I’m fine.” He pulls me in for another reassuring kiss. “Promise.”

Jackson, Ellie and Hayden find us soon after, and Tony is with them. We all chat, everyone going on about the exciting game Caleb had today. The touchdown and the near injury. They didn’t let him play for the rest of the half for fear of a concussion, but he says he feels all right, he’s just tired.

I can tell. I see it written all over him.

“We’re flying home today,” he tells me at one point. “Our flight leaves in a couple of hours.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t win,” I murmur, meaning every word.

“Hey, I had the game of my fucking life today. I intercepted the ball and made a touchdown. Got my ass knocked out on live TV, and I’ve got my girl.” He slips his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. “I have no complaints.”

I can’t help but grin. “Neither do I.”

Neither do I.



It’s hours later, long into the night, and I’m in my bed with Gracie, the both of us naked and tangled up in each other. We had sex, but I took it slow because my body is aching, and so is my head. The team doc says I have a mild concussion and I can’t play for the next few days, which is fine by me. I still have to show up to practice though.

I’ll just stand on the sidelines and encourage my boys.

Despite the epic game for me, I hate that we lost. Eli feels like shit. The Rebels were tough, we all told him this, but he’s taking it personally. Just like he takes everything. The guy throws his entire being into something, and when he fails, it breaks his heart. Sometimes I think it’s kind of hard, being him.

I’m glad I’m just me.

Other teams in our division lost as well this weekend, which means our chances for a playoff spot just got a bit easier, so this is a good thing. The only other bright spot in a kind of shitty day for the Bulldogs’ football team.

Me? I’ve got bright spots all over the place. Life is good.

No, that’s not a strong enough word. Life is fucking excellent. I may ache like a motherfucker, but I don’t mind, thanks to the woman who is currently snuggled up close, her leg thrown over both of mine like she’s trying to claim me.

She can claim me all she wants. I’m hers.

“I’m so glad you’re finally home,” she whispers, her lips moving against my chest tickling me. “And in one piece.”

“You just want to use me for sex,” I drawl, teasing her.

“Not true.” She lifts her head, and her gaze is serious, the color of her eyes a deep, dark green. “I was so scared when you got hurt, Caleb. And it was weird, but I felt like something bad was going to happen right before it, too. Like I was having a…premonition.”

Reaching out, I brush her hair away from her face, the silky strands sifting through my fingers. “I felt the same thing.”

Her mouth pops open. “Really?”

Nodding, I cup the back of her head and pull her in for a gentle kiss. “I’m okay though.”