Real life sucks.

“You need to tell him,” Hayden stresses. “Admit to him how you feel. Let him know that you didn’t mean what you said when you were talking to us the other night. I’m guessing he’s hurting right now, but he doesn’t know how to express himself. Take that man out of his misery and tell him how much you love him.”

“But…” I swallow hard, my throat raspy. “What if he doesn’t love me?”

“Oh please.” She actually laughs, which makes me glare at her. “He’s totally in love with you. Can’t you see it? And how he’s acting right now? All hurt and distant, yet still unable to keep his hands off of you? The boy is completely enamored of you. He doesn’t talk about other women, you know. Not anymore. Tony says he doesn’t even look at them. After games, there are all sorts of girls hanging around, eager to flirt and see what they can get. Or more like who they can get, yet none of them interest him.”

I’m quiet, thinking of how he acts now versus how he used to be. Horn dog Caleb. Chasing after every girl Caleb. King of the players Caleb.

It’s true. She’s right.

Oh God.

Maybe he does love me.

“Okay!” Ellie reenters the room, grinning. “I’ve put something together, and you two are going to love it.”

“What did you do?” I ask warily.

Ellie settles into her chair and takes a sip of her melted margarita. “Start packing—I arranged for us an all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas! The plane leaves tomorrow at five. I found rooms for us at the Bellagio, and I also got us box seats at the game.”

My mouth falls open. “Um, how in the world did she do that in such a short amount of time?”

“What the hell, Ellie? How cool is this!” Hayden starts shimmying in her chair. “Oh my God, we get to party in Vegas!”

“Well, you guys can party. I’m still underage,” she reminds us.

Hayden stops her seat dancing. “What are you going to do then? We can’t party without you.”

“I’ll be with Jackson. That’s how I managed all this.” Her smile is back, bigger than ever. “The record label has a plane they use for artists. Jackson was able to get it for us. And the hotel has been dying to comp me some rooms as long as I post some photos and videos while I’m there on my social media.”

Holy wow. “Did you really just do all of that for me?” I ask, my voice squeaking.

“Yes,” Ellie says with a firm nod. “For you. You were always so good to me when I was having my problems with Jackson. You listened to me whine and cry, and you gave me good advice. Both of you did. You completely empowered me and reinforced my self-worth. It’s the least I can do for you.”

It’s like the faucet turns on after that. We’re all crying and laughing at the same time, overwhelmed with emotion. I have the best friends in the world.

The absolute best.



We’re flying to Las Vegas in a private jet.

A private. Jet.

Talk about extravagant…

Hayden and I met up after work with our overnight bags already packed and headed to the airport in her car. Ellie met us at the private hangar and we boarded the plane feeling like superstars to find Jackson already inside with a full spread of fruit and crackers and cheese and a variety of meats spread on a table before him. A bottle of champagne on ice waits for us too, along with four long-stemmed glasses.

The moment he spots us, he comes forward with his arms spread wide in greeting. “Ladies. Welcome to my lair.”

“Oh my God, stop it,” Ellie tells him with a grin, going straight to him. He wraps her up in his arms and lifts her off her feet, kissing her soundly. “Don’t be such a show-off.”

“We’re all friends here. They won’t judge me, right?” He releases his hold on Ellie and turns to Hayden and me, rubbing his hands together. “This ought to be a fun weekend. Have you told the guys you’re coming?”

I furiously shake my head. “I don’t want Caleb to know.”