Eli checks his phone. “Can’t you wait a few? We usually head over there together.”

“We’re going to have to drive separately today. I have to take Ellie to the mechanic shop to pick up her car this afternoon,” I explain.

He crosses his arms, studying me intently. “You are all torqued up, and I don’t get it. Did something happen between you two last night? I saw the way you were watching her when she talked to that guy she brought to the party a few weeks ago.”

I’m instantly filled with low-key anger at the thought of Carson. He needs to keep his hands off of her. His eyes off her too. “She’s playing us both.”

“Ellie?” He starts to laugh, shaking his head. “That’s not her style and you know it.”

“Maybe she’s changed.”

“You’re the true player, and now you’re getting played?” He laughs harder. “Oh, this is some shit right here.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Are you sprung on her? Is that your problem? Jealous over the fact that she’s talking to someone else while also messing around on the side with you?” Eli nearly doubles over in laughter. “This is fucking fantastic.”

“How is it fantastic? What the hell, Eli? I thought you were on my side.” I clasp the back of my head, the muscles straining in my arms. I want to hit something. Maybe Eli’s smiling smug ass face, I don’t know.

“You like her.” He shakes his head, chuckling. “And you don’t know what to do with yourself.”

“I’ve always liked her,” I say defensively.

“Not like this. You have actual, real feelings for her.” He points at me. “And you don’t know what to do with them.”

“I do not have actual, real feelings for her.” I am lying through my teeth. I do have feelings for her, and I don’t know what to do with them.

“Sure you don’t.” He doesn’t believe me.

“I’m just sexually frustrated. Like you said,” I continue.

“Uh huh. Can’t stop thinking about her?” He lifts a brow, grabbing his finished coffee and dumping a bunch of sugar and creamer in it.

“I can stop thinking about her,” I say defensively.

“Right. Is she on your mind now? Can’t wait to see her? Ready to destroy that fucker who put his hands on her last night right in front of you?”

My hands curl into fists and he notices. Of course he does. He’s deliberately provoking me. “That fucker showed up after work to drive her home.”

Eli frowns. “Thought that was your job.”

I explain to him what happened and by the time I’m finished, he’s laughing all over again. “She actually thought I forgot about her.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he reminds me.

Now I’m frowning. “What do you mean?”

“You used to ignore her all the time. Listen, you never mentioned it to me much, but Ava gave me all the deets, thanks to Ellie sharing them with her. You two talked alllllll the time online. And then you’d see her in person and ignore her. Or act like she was your buddy, and that was it. It twisted her up inside. Made Ava mad too,” Eli explains.

“Ellie is easy to talk to,” I admit. “But then I’d see her and she’d give me those heart eyes and I…I couldn’t take it.”

“Yeah, well, now you’re the ass with heart eyes and she’s giving you a taste of your own medicine,” Eli says, sipping from his extra hot coffee. He winces. “Fuck, I burned my lip. Gotta keep these babies pristine for Ava this weekend.”

“You’re fucking ridiculous,” I mutter, my mind filled with thoughts of Ellie. How much I must’ve hurt her in the not so distant past. Her adoration was a heavy responsibility, one that I wasn’t up for.

“No, you’re ridiculous for not just—going for it. Ellie’s a cool chick. She’s tolerated your ass for this long, and she’s still ar

ound. You need to jump on that. Jump on her, before you lose her,” he says.