“Wait, what?” I shoot a look in Jackson’s direction, who just shrugs in reply. “What do you mean, Eli is going to break up with you? Did he say something?”

“No, not at all. I’m just worried. How did my sister make her long-distance relationship work with Ash? I don’t get it. I want to fling myself off a bridge, I’m so miserable,” Ava says.

“Hey, don’t say stuff like that. You’re scaring me,” I tell her, dead serious.

“Oh, like I’d actually do that. You know I wouldn’t.” She sniffs. Wipes at her face with one hand, her eyes bloodshot. “I’m sorry I’m calling so late. Eli was exhausted. We talked for two hours tonight, and he was falling asleep right in front of me. I miss him so much.”

“I know he misses you too. I also heard he’s going to San Diego to play your school,” I say. “Doesn’t that make you happy?”

“Yes, at least I’ll get to see him, but it won’t be enough.” She sniffs yet again, clearly feeling sorry for herself. “I’m coming home during his bye week.”

“When is that?”

“First week in October. I can’t wait. I’ll get to see you too.” She offers me a weak smile. “What are you up to?”

Uh, about to mess around with Jackson? We might even have sex?

Yeah. Can’t say that. Especially in front of Jackson. “I just got off work. Was about to go to bed.”

“You like working there? At Doghouse?” she asks.

Clearly, she wants to have a conversation.

I send Jackson a sympathetic look and he plops down on my bed, stretching out his long legs toward me, his head propped on my pillows. He slips his arms behind his head, watching me with a smirk on my face as I listen to Ava. She’s lonely, I can tell. I would be too if I were her, missing all of us, who are all still pretty much here together.

So I let her talk, and tell her that I miss her when she starts to wrap the conversation up.

“You should come to San Diego too,” she suggests.

“I wish I could, but I’m working this weekend,” I say. “Plus, my car is at the shop. It needs a new alternator.”

“Oh no,” she says. “What happened?”

And that turns into an additional five-minute conversation. I glance up to check on Jackson to see he’s lying there, the smirk gone, his eyes closed.

Damn it, he’s going to fall asleep.

We talk some more, because screw it. Jackson is sleeping. I can tell by how deeply he’s breathing. And he’s so cute. He looks so young when he’s asleep. Like a cute little boy.

Who can kiss like a demon and from what I can tell, has a monster dick.

Oh geez, where did those thoughts just come from?

Blushing, I maintain a normal conversation with Ava and never once bring up Jackson. Not even in regards to the car repair. We end the call with lots of I love yous, I miss yous and hope to see you soon.

I carefully set my phone on the bedside table and watch Jackson. He’s still asleep. Dead to the world.

Since nothing is currently happening, and I don’t want to disturb him, I decide to take a shower.

It feels good to wash the slime of my evening off of me, and actually, I’m really glad Ava interrupted us. I did not want to have one of my first sexual experiences with my dream man happen while I smell like the Doghouse Grill.


I wash my hair and lather my body in my favorite body scrub that leaves my skin feeling smooth and soft. Once I’m done, I dry off, use my favorite scented lotion, put on a cute pair of short pajamas I bought at Target a few weeks ago, and then open the bathroom door to see—

Jackson is still asleep. This time lying on his side, his mouth partially open, the occasional huff of sound coming from his lips.

Like a snore.