And then I met Jackson Rivers.

That bastard ruined everything.



I’m chilling at Tony and Caleb’s condo, playing video games by myself. Tony is coming back soon with lunch for us. Caleb is still in class. Eli is too. We’ll all meet up at practice later.

Right now, I’m just kicking it here, when there’s a knock on the door.

Pausing the game, I rise to my feet and go to the door, peeking through the peephole. Shock courses through me when I see who’s standing there, and I unlock and throw open the door as quickly as possible.

Ellie turns, her eyes widening when she sees me. “What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?” I toss back at her.

She presses her lips together, glancing around. As if she doesn’t want to look me in the eyes. What the hell? “Is Tony home?”

“No,” I say carefully. “I’m the only one home.” I don’t bother telling her he should be back in a few minutes.

“You don’t even live here,” she says, her tone accusatory as she brushes a few sweaty hair strands away from her face.

“I may as well, since we’re always hanging out together,” I say, leaning against the doorjamb and crossing my arms. I watch her, noting her messy hair, her shiny face. Her T-shirt looks damp around the neck and I frown. “You okay? You look a little…overheated.”

“I, uh…oh God, this is so embarrassing.” She finally meets my gaze, wincing. “I ran out of gas.”

My mouth drops open. “No shit?”

She nods, her expression miserable. “I walked almost a mile to get here.”

“What the fuck, Ellie? That’s dangerous.” The street Tony and Caleb live off of is busy. Cars always speed down the straightaway, and a lot of accidents happen out there. “Where’s your car?”

“On the side of the road, parked in front of another apartment complex.” She wipes at her forehead. “It’s so hot outside.”

“Come in,” I tell her absently, opening the door wide before I head back into the house so I can turn off the TV and grab my wallet.

“Thank you. It’s so nice and cool in here.” Ellie wanders into the apartment, lifting her hair off the back of her neck. “Think I could grab a water?”

“Go for it,” I tell her. “And then we’ll head out.”

She walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. “Head out where?”

“To the gas station. Well, we’ll need to stop off and buy a gas can first,” I say.

“Wait a minute.” She pauses in the doorway of the kitchen, watching me very, very carefully. “You’re going to help me?”

“I’m definitely going to help you,” I tell her, my voice firm. “You ready to go?”

“Uh, okay.” She frowns, not moving an inch. “You sure you don’t mind?”

“Ellie. Of course I don’t mind.” I pull my phone out and send a quick text to Tony, telling him I have to leave and help Ellie with her car. He responds fast, letting me know he’ll be home in less than three minutes, so I can go ahead and leave the door unlocked. “Let’s do this.”

We walk out to the parking lot, me going straight to my Mercedes, Ellie trailing behind. I hit the key fob and unlock the doors, making my way to the passenger side first, so I can open the door for her.

I’m a gentleman, even if she doesn’t think I am.

“Thank you,” she murmurs before she slips inside my car. Breathing deep, I inhale her sweet scent, trying to catch it as I shut the door for her.