“Aw, so you two are official already?” Hayden clasps her hands together in front of her chest. “That’s so sweet.”

“And quick,” Gracie says. “I’m surprised he moved so fast. I guess you two wanted the label?”

“There’s nothing wrong with labels,” Hayden says in defense of me, before I can even speak.

“Says the woman who claims relationships are bogus and didn’t want to call Tony her boyfriend at first,” Gracie throws back at her. She glances my way. “I have zero issues with you two moving fast. I’m the queen of moving fast.”

“You’re also the queen of can’t commit,” Hayden points out.

“Stop it, both of you,” I tell them. They love nothing more but giving each other crap. “Let’s talk about me for a few more minutes.”

“Ah, I love this. Ellie standing up for herself, and getting demanding,” Hayden says, sitting up straighter. “Tell us—how is Jackson in bed?”

“I’m sure he’s perfection,” Gracie says, lifting a single brow. “I’m also positive he has a giant dick.”

“You guys.” My cheeks go hot. “He’s…good. With his hands. With all of his parts, really. But don’t forget, I have nothing else to compare him to.”

“I doubt he’s bad at sex, so we won’t focus on that.” Gracie laughs. “And how’s the equipment?”

“Sufficient,” is all I can manage before they both burst out laughing.

I laugh with them too. It feels good to talk to them about this. To laugh and joke with my friends and savor the fact that I actually have a boyfriend. One who seems really into me.


We rehash everything that happened during the weekend, including Jackson’s concert. The song he wrote that everyone figured out was about me. It was fairly obvious from the way he sang it right to me.

“Oh my God, I never did hear what happened with the record company people,” Hayden says. “Did they make an offer or whatever?”

“Oh yeah.” I wince. This is a touchy subject, one that Jackson still doesn’t want to talk about. “They um…they seemed more interested in Cupid’s Bow, according to Jackson. They set up a meeting with them and everything.”

“Get the heck out,” Gracie breathes, her eyes wide. “No kidding? They were pretty awesome.”

“I think Jackson was disappointed they didn’t even want to sit down and talk to him,” I say.

“But why?” Hayden frowns. “He’s turned down every record deal that’s been made to him so far. I thought he wanted to keep his freedom—his musical integrity or some such bullshit like that.”

Gracie giggles, but I don’t. I’m hurting for him, just like he’s hurting over this.

Not that he likes to talk about it.

“I think he really liked Evergreen Records and assumed they’d offer him a contract. When they didn’t—when they showed interest in the group he asked to open for him instead of him—I think it crushed him. He doesn’t want to talk about it though. He’s pretending it never happened, but I think he’s down about it.”

“That sucks,” Gracie says, frowning. “I feel bad for him.”

“So do I,” Hayden adds. “But he’ll come around. At least he has you there supporting him.”

“True.” He’s always had me supporting him.

“Hey, whatever happened to Carson? Did you tell him you were with Jackson now? Of course you did. Did he take it well?” Gracie asks, her brows shooting up. “He’s such a sweetheart. Cute too.”

“Don’t get any ideas,” Hayden warns her.

Gracie rolls her eyes in response.

“I talked to him Monday after class. I told him I thought we were better off as friends,” I explain, my heart momentarily heavy. I saw the disappointment flicker in Carson’s gaze when I talked to him, and I felt bad, but it was the right decision. I’m not interested in him like that, and it wasn’t fair of me to use him like I did, even though that’s not what I meant to do. He’s a good guy. He deserves someone who’s totally into him.

I’m not that person.