“What do you want?” I ask, unable to keep the anger from my voice.

“This is Chairman Li of the Financial Resource Exchange, representative of all the nations under the FRX. ”

My eyes drift up to the silver double-winged eagle engraved on the memorial plaque above the communication bay.

“What do you want?” I ask again.

“We would like to know your status. All communication was severed. We no longer have remote control of any previously active functions of the space station—”

“The space station blew up,” I say flatly.

“Did the hybrids revolt?” Chairman Li says. “What happened? Are the rogues greater in number than previously thought?”

“We have joined forces with the hybrids,” I say. “We have a cure for the ‘vaccine’ you gave everyone. ” I raise my voice as Chairman Li tries to talk over me. “We are making sure all the hybrids are able to think for themselves, and so far none of them have elected to remain your slaves. ”

“Confirm that you are acting commander of the Godspeed mission,” Chairman Li shouts into the intercom.

He thinks the rogue hybrids are talking to him—that they hacked the system.

“I am the acting commander,” I say. “I don’t have a code for you, but I do have this: we have united forces with the hybrids—rogue or not—and none of us are any longer under your control. ”

/> “We have already sent ships toward the planet,” Chairman Li says angrily. “If this is the way you and your people feel, we will treat you all as rebels and act accordingly!”

“That’s fine,” I say. “You should know that without the space station, I’m told it will take you the greater part of a decade to reach us. And while you will only have the weapons you can carry, we’re going to spend that decade making as many solar bombs and missiles as we want. And we’ll point them all straight up to the sky. As soon as your ships get here, we’re going to blow them up. ”

“This is our planet! Our solar glass! You can’t just cut us off like this!”

“His planet?” Zane says beside me. He glares at the intercom. It’s a very good thing—for Chairman Li, at least—that he’s so many light-years away from us.

“Just try to take it,” I say into the intercom. “But I somehow think our missiles are bigger than yours. Here’s the thing you never expected: if you enslave an entire group of people for as long as you’ve enslaved the hybrids, they’re a bit angry. And personally? I’m angry too. So if it’s a war you want, please, please, come over here. We’d be happy to fight it. ”

Static crackles over the intercom. I turn the dial until it clicks, severing the last connection we had with Sol-Earth.

Zane crows in triumph. “That? That was brilliant!” he says.

I grin at him weakly. I might have just caused an inter-planetary war. In a decade, when—if —the warship from Earth arrives, he might not be so happy with my rebellious streak that has been amplified by my new hybrid status.

But I also meant it. If it comes to war, we will fight. I will fight.

I will never give up my home again.

79: AMY

“What’s that?” Zane asks, pointing to one of the few lights still blinking on the communication bay.

I clear away the dirt and debris accumulated on top of the control panel.

“Homing signal,” I say, reading the label under the light.

“A homing signal?” Zane asks. “What’s it detecting? The auto-shuttle landed, the shuttle from Godspeed is gone . . . ”

A ringing fills my ears, making me dizzy.

The escape rocket only has two directions: to go to the space station or to come back here, to the compound.

The homing signal continues to blink.

“Could it be . . . ?” Zane asks, looking at me.