“Eldest did an all-call announcement. Another one. We’re all supposed to go to the Keeper Level. ” Elder’s mouth turns down, crinkling the skin into a deep, concerned frown.

“I’m kind of excited. ” Harley jumps up and starts heading to the door. “I’ve always wondered about the Keeper Level. ” I remember then that most people are restricted to this level—it’s bad enough to be trapped on the ship, but to not even be allowed to go to different parts of it seems ridiculous.

Harley pushes the button to open my door and bounces out. I start to follow him, but when Elder doesn’t move, I stop.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Elder says.

“Come on!” Harley calls.

Eldest and Harley argue with each other as they lead me down the path behind the Hospital, past the Recorder Hall, and to the metal wall that surrounds the Feeder Level.

“She can’t ride the grav tube; she doesn’t have a wi-com,” Harley says.

“Then how can she get to the Keeper Level?” Elder asks.

“I guess you could leave me here,” I say. Maybe that would be best. My head aches. My skull feels as if it’s stuffed with cotton. Something about what Harley said, about the wi-coms, is nagging at me, but I can’t think through this fuzziness.

“No way. ” Elder’s hand twitches, like he’s going to reach out for me but at the last second changes his mind.

“She could ride with you,” Harley says, doubt drawing out the words.

“Ride?” I ask.

Harley grins. “You just have to hold on to Elder, and he’ll carry you up the grav tube. ”

“But—” Elder’s face is flushed.

“Here. ” Harley grabs me by the wrist and pulls me close to Elder. “Wrap your arms around him—like this. Good. Get in close. Closer. And Elder, you need to hold her around the waist. No, you’ll have to actually touch her. Here. ” Harley pushes Elder’s hovering arm against my waist. We’re close. I can smell earth and grass on Elder’s skin. It’s nice.

“Are you okay?” Elder asks.

I smile weakly at him. I can’t tell if it’s nerves or something else that’s making me feel as if I’ve got a bucket of water sloshing around in my stomach. Heck, I probably do have a bucket of water in there, considering how many glasses I drank earlier.

“Give the grav tube order,” Harley says in a matter-of-fact way.

Elder’s hand shakes as he pushes the button behind his ear. “Keeper Level,” he says. “You’ll have to take the grav tube in the City; you don’t have access for this one. Eldest must have opened up the hatch in the Great Room for everyone else,” he adds. Harley just nods impatiently, waving for us to go on.

“And off you go!” Harley says. He pushes us straight under the big clear tube.

I have one second to look up at the swirling winds inside, feel it lift my hair, and breathe the compressed air—and then we start to rise.

Elder’s arm clenches, and he instinctively pulls me closer. I close my eyes and let him hold me, trusting him, feeling safe in his strong grip. For a moment, we hover on the winds blowing around us, bobbing like buoys in the ocean, as if the whirlwind swirling around us is testing our weight. I should be scared, but I glance at Elder’s smiling eyes and can’t help but smile back.

The winds grow stronger. My stomach lurches as we’re pulled up, headfirst, speeding faster and faster, zipping through the clear tube, the wind plastering our hair against our scalps.

“What’s happening?” I scream, struggling to raise my head from Elder’s shoulders and look at him properly.

“Don’t worry!” Elder calls down. His words flit past my ears like hummingbirds.

The wind is so quick and loud that it would be pointless for him to say anything else. His arms tighten around me, and I press my face against his chest.

And through it all—the rushing winds, my hair whipping around me, the flap of our clothes—I can hear his heartbeat.

The tube curves against the wall and we rise, a single arrow soaring through the heart of a hurricane. I can see the blur of green pastures below. I struggle to pull my head up, my neck muscles straining against the pressure, and as I do so, I can see the dotted colors of trailers falling away from us, far on the other side of the level.

And then with a jerk that leaves me nauseated and light-headed, the tube angles up sharply. There is darkness for a few seconds as we shoot through an opening in the floor of the level above us. Finally, we stop.

My eyes are bleary, watering. I feel strange, like I’m sick. I try to swallow the odd feeling down. I’m dizzy, but I can’t tell if it’s from the grav tube ride or something else. I feel slow and tired.