The siblings would be back in their California palatial estate after Sunday night, and by the time they showed up again, she doubted Brock would even remember who she was. And that was how she would like it.

Of course if one of her boyfriends beat the crap out of him, his memory would probably be better.

“Good.” Michael sat back and stared out the front window.

Ty winked her way. “We shouldn’t be too long. We’re going up the mountain to pick up some of Michael’s stuff and then we’ll stop by River’s to get his car. We’ll come back here and have lunch before I go on shift this afternoon. See you soon.”

Michael would be taking her back up to the lodge after her shift, and they would all three stay there this weekend. Ty would be on call in case of skiing injuries or any minor medical emergencies among the guests, and Michael had announced that he would be taking a temp security job. He would be monitoring the parties that would take place over the weekend.

The idea that they would all be together made her happier than she could have imagined.

As they drove off, Lucy strode into Trio as the snow fell, but she didn’t feel the cold at all. She went in the back, wrapping her apron around her waist. Trio would have just opened for the early lunch crowd. From the glimpse of the county vehicle in the parking lot, it looked like the sheriff was here, too. It wasn’t a surprise. Nate Wright was often found in Trio since his partner ran the place, but not usually this early in the day. Nate tended to work early shifts so he could be home with their twins at night.

Still, she didn’t think much of his presence as she walked in the door. The smell of coffee hit her and the scent of bread baking.

She was going to miss this place.

If she got the job.

She was almost having to force herself to remember this was all a test run to see if it worked out.

Sort of like her and Michael and Ty.

“Hey, you.” Van was in the storage room, a clipboard in his hand. His dark hair was held back in a tie, and he wasn’t in the Trio uniform. He wore a dark T-shirt and jogging pants with sneakers.

“I thought Alexei was working days this week.” She’d been almost sure the big guy would be here. She’d wanted to subtly ask him a couple of questions about Michael. She’d always wanted to ask, but after the night they’d shared it seemed like she had a right to now.

“He’s out front. Micky’s out there, too. I think it’s the three of you and Zane for lunch today,” Van explained. “I’m here on an errand from the lodge. We ran out of tequila, if you can believe it. Zane agreed to let us buy a case from him since we’re not getting another shipment until Monday. The bastards went through a whole case, though I’m pretty sure they didn’t drink some of it since there were broken bottles all over the place last night.”

Whoa. She’d heard a couple of the service staff talking about a private party in one of the villas, but she hadn’t heard the whole story. She’d been too interested in staring at her men to listen in, and now that seemed like a mistake. “What happened?”

“To be honest we were already down to what I would call a basic level of tequila because when those fuckers drink, they really drink,” Van said, signing off on the clipboard. “But apparently last night was epic. It’s not like I can tell them no. They own one of the villas. I’m so glad I have very little contact with them. You know when I first hired on I thought I would have trouble with the lifestyle weekends. Now I live for them because the lifestylers tend to have some discipline. Give me a BDSM group over a bunch of rich dickheads any day of the week.”

She got a bad feeling about who might be the perpetrators. “Was it the Foster kids?”

Why she was calling them kids, she had no idea. They were grown-ass people, but she still thought of most of them as children.

“Yeah, they had some friends fly out to join them and pretty much acted like entitled assholes,” Van confirmed. “They had the villa staff pulling their hair out. A couple of them quit at two this morning, hence me getting involved. And we had to have security out. If Mr. Roberts had been here, I would bet they wouldn’t have a damn villa anymore.”

“What happened? I mean I understand drinking too much, but why would they throw bottles around?”

“It was some kind of fight,” Van replied. “The brothers really got into it over something. I even took a punch trying to break them up. Naturally the oldest sister smoothed things over. Security didn’t call the police after the sister offered a twenty K tip to the whole staff. I wanted to have the jerk hauled off, but if I hadn’t agreed everyone would have lost the cash, and one of the maids had been talking to me earlier about how her mom was about to get evicted. So here I am begging for tequila and praying we don’t have another night like last night.”