The woman named Sonya looked her way. “How? Why? He needs a doctor. We need to get a doctor. My brother needs help.”

“I’m a doctor.” Caleb was a calm presence. “He was dead when we got here. I’m very sorry for your loss, but we need to wait for the police.”

Sonya’s expression changed, turning angry, and she pointed Lucy’s way. “You. You killed him. You killed my brother.”

Sonya started screaming, and Ty realized his day had gone to complete hell.

* * * *

An hour later, Lucy was still shaking. She couldn’t forget the look in Sonya’s eyes as she’d accused her of killing Brock. She sat in one of the conference rooms, the very one where she would have met with her staff had she gotten the job.

Since she seemed to be involved in the murder of one of the guests, that offer was probably off the table now.

“Is there any way it was a mistake?” She looked to where Michael and Ty sat. They’d both joined her in this room after the Sonya incident. Michael had brought one of the security guards to secure the crime scene for Nate while Caleb tried to deal with Sonya.

Sonya. The poor woman. She’d been coming to see her brother and found a dead body.

How the hell had any of this happened?

“Are you asking me if someone accidently put cyanide in Brock Foster’s drink?” Michael paced the floor, his gaze trailing to the door as though he was waiting for it to open.

Ty frowned his way. “I think she’s asking if I made a mistake identifying the poison.”

She didn’t like the way her men seemed to be squaring off. Michael had apologized for being a little cold. She knew what had happened. He’d gone into cop mode for a second, and she couldn’t blame him for that.

After all, he’d been betrayed once. He hadn’t seen the capacity for murder in the woman he’d loved.

She was pretty sure she was more scared of losing Michael than she was of going to jail. She’d done nothing wrong, and there was no way Nate Wright allowed her to be railroaded no matter what Caleb said. Caleb’s own paranoia was coming to the surface in this case.

But the idea that Michael might believe she was capable of committing murder was a real possibility.

And despite the fact that she knew why he might think that way, she wasn’t sure how they could move forward if he turned his back on her.

Ty had shifted in his seat and reached for her hands, covering them with his own. “I don’t think so. I don’t think this was a mistake. I don’t think it was an accident. I can’t be completely sure until the toxicology report comes back, but I’m certain someone killed that man.”

“That man who harassed Lucy,” Michael pointed out.

Having Ty hold her hand made her feel far steadier than before. He wouldn’t turn away from her. He probably wouldn’t even if he thought she’d done it. “I’m fairly certain he’s harassed a lot of people.”

“But only one of them was in his room when he died,” Michael replied, his tone grim.

“Michael, I didn’t do this.” She got the feeling she would have to assure him more than once.

Her calm refutation seemed to make him stop. His blank expression fled, and he looked down at where Ty’s hands covered hers. “I know that. I’m mentally going over scenarios of how this plays out. I want to think ahead. Nate’s going to ask you a lot of questions.”

“And I’ll answer them.” She would talk to Gemma, but she didn’t agree with Caleb about not talking to Nate at all. If she could clear this up quickly, that would be best.

“I’m not sure you should do that.” Michael was back to pacing.

“You’re the one who told me I didn’t need a lawyer,” she pointed out.

“I think the sister freaking out made Michael change his mind,” Ty replied.

“She immediately accused you.” Michael huffed, putting both hands on the conference table. “She didn’t even ask why you were there. She looked down at the body and said you did it. There were other people in the room, but you were the only one she mentioned.”

She was also the one Sonya would have recognized. “I was the only one who had fought with Brock. Well, the only one in the room. Apparently he got into a huge fight with his brother.”

Michael nodded. “Yes, I heard some of the security guys talking about something happening in the villas the night before last. I didn’t listen too closely, but it sounded like a party that went wrong. Is that why Brock was here instead of the villa his family owns?”

“I suppose so. It would also explain why the Scotch was moved. He wouldn’t have had access to it in the villas. Though it makes me wonder why he wouldn’t simply move it to his room.” It was time to start asking some questions of her own. “If he wanted it served to him, it should have been kept in the main bar.”