Kendall groaned. “Fine. I was planning on wearing this to a party next week.”

“Go. Let the professionals help you,” Sonya urged. “I’ll deal with this.”

Kendall’s eyes rolled. “Fine. But I’m going back to the villa. This is all lame.”

She walked away with Hailey.

“Sorry. She’s not in a great mood.” Sonya started picking up the bottles as a couple of the staff members began the process of cleaning up the table. “This is all very nice. She’s just still upset about what happened the other night. We had a little incident.”

“That fucked up party was all Brock’s fault.” Chet didn’t miss a beat. He picked up his glass as they were moving the soiled tablecloth out. “And I say that bartender over there is a fucking hero.”

Sonya sighed. “Again, sorry. The gathering we were having got out of hand. The bartender took a couple of punches meant for Chet. They were drunk and he got in between them. He was really mad. I thought for a moment he was going to kill Brock.”

That seemed overly dramatic. Van hadn’t mentioned it had gotten so heated. He’d made it sound like he’d simply taken an accidental hit. “I assure you our staff is always professional. Here, let me take those and we’ll bring out some new food for you.”

Sonya waved her off. “Don’t worry about it. I think I’ll head back, too. It was so nice to meet you. Chet, let’s go. We can get more wine back at the villa. I want to ski before we have to leave. You know Dad said we should all enjoy our last weekend here. We have a big meeting when we get back home.”

“Yeah, sure. Like I need to be there.” Chet yawned and stood up anyway. “You know big brother will shoot down any suggestion I have. I don’t know why any of us go to those things. Brock is going to get everything after Dad croaks, and he’s going to hold it over our heads forever.”

She was so glad she wasn’t a member of that particular wealthy clan. They couldn’t pay her enough to deal with that shit.

“Hey, Lucy,” Van called out. “I’ve got a problem, and you might be the one to solve it.”

Well, she’d known the evening wouldn’t go off without a hitch. She made sure the table was being properly reset before turning back to the bar. In the distance, she could see that Alexei had found Michael and they seemed to be talking.

“What’s up?” It looked like the servers were all circulating. Well, all but the server with shrimp, but sure enough Long-Haired Roger had taken up a space at the fancy cheese section and was even now slipping some cave-aged Gruyère into a sandwich bag.

“Whoever stocked this bar for me mistakenly brought over this Scotch.” He patted the super-expensive bottle. It was the kind of Scotch that could easily vote, a single malt. “It’s a private bottle for one of the suite guests. I could send it back to the main bar…”

She immediately saw the problem. “And then it would take twenty to thirty minutes to get up to the guest who’s paying for good service.”

“And good service is quick service,” Van summed up. He poured out three fingers of the amber liquid. “I don’t know why it’s being stocked down here, but there it is. Suite 210. Can you have someone run it up there?”

It wasn’t the largest of the suites, but it had a nice view. She picked up the tray. “I just sent one on break and another to help save a jumpsuit. I’ll run it up myself. It’s not far. I can be back ten minutes tops. When Charlene comes off the floor, ask her to switch to the canapés. We need to keep a vegetarian tray circulating.”

Bliss had several non-meat eaters. She liked to make sure they had some snacks, too.

Lucy balanced the small tray that held the glass and strode around the dance floor.

She definitely wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass her by, though. Ty wasn’t anywhere close, and she’d barely seen him all night long. But Michael was right there, and he looked deliciously masculine in the classic suit the security guys wore to these kinds of events. She winked his way and gave Alexei a grin. “Hey, Alexei. Different place, same old job, huh? I’m supposed to be the boss, but here I am serving drinks.”

Alexei bowed her way. “Sometimes boss must be playing for team.”

A frown crossed her boyfriend’s face as he took in the sight of the tray in her hand. “I thought you were supervising.”

“I was, but we had a guest spill a drink on another guest’s apparently very expensive dress, and we’re having to fix their whole table while attempting to stop red wine from staining Gucci. Hence, here I am taking this super-expensive glass of Scotch to one of the suites. Can’t keep some high roller waiting. Be back soon.” She hustled because she needed to get back in place to ensure the food kept flowing.