Lucy felt herself flush. She’d thought for sure Brock Foster would act like nothing happened. “He talked to you about that? He was…”

Sonya held up a hand to stop her. “You do not have to tell me what my asshole brother was doing. I’m sure he hit on you and when you turned him down, he got aggressive.”

Chet chuckled. “Of course that wasn’t his story. He said you tried to roll him for cash.”

“He doesn’t carry cash. He probably wouldn’t even know how to pay for something he couldn’t use his smart wallet on,” Kendall said.

“I didn’t…” She hadn’t thought she would have to defend herself. “It was what Sonya said.”

Sonya reached out and patted her arm. “I knew exactly what happened. Don’t worry about it. It’s sadly not the first time my brother’s harassed a woman, and it won’t be the last, but I should warn you to watch out for him because he was really mad about it.”

Kendall’s lips curved up in a Cheshire cat grin. “He made us call a doctor and everything. Apparently the cute EMT was off that night so he got this super-grumpy hottie. He was not impressed with Brock, and I’m fairly certain the doc meant to handle his junk roughly.”

“He was trying to make sure Brock was okay,” Sonya countered. “Brock was drunk and being obnoxious. I just wish Dad had been around. Brock always acts like an angel when our dad’s around.”

“Yeah, well, when the old man dies, Brock will get to be a god,” Chet muttered.

She wasn’t sure what that meant, but the fact that they’d called Caleb out to the lodge worried her. She wasn’t surprised Caleb hadn’t talked to her about it. Brock likely wouldn’t have remembered her name, and Caleb wouldn’t have cared enough to call the police and report an assault. He would have told Brock he’d deserved it and to stay away from the women of Bliss if he wanted to keep his balls.

But that didn’t mean she wasn’t in trouble. “Is he all right?”

She didn’t really care, but she might like to know if she was going to be sued. Nate wouldn’t arrest her, but the Foster family had power outside of Bliss.

Kendall shrugged. “He’s already screwing some chick he met on the ski lift. He’s fine.”

“But he didn’t want to come here with us.” There was a wealth of satisfaction in Sonya’s voice. “He dropped us off but wouldn’t come in.”

“And now we have a safe space,” Kendall announced.

Chet lifted his glass. “So cheers to Lucy. I proclaim you Lucy of the hard knee, vanquisher of Brock.”

She glanced at her watch. Only another couple of minutes and she could run away. She would hop in her piece of crap car and hide at River’s. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“Nah, we’ve got to leave in a couple of minutes,” Sonya said. “We’re heading back to LA after the weekend, but thanks for putting big brother in his place.”

At least they would be gone, and even if she got the job at the lodge, she wouldn’t be the one personally taking care of the villas. There was a fleet of butlers and housekeepers to deal with the wealthiest of the lodge’s clients. She would stick to the main lodge and be happy to do it. “I hope you have a good trip back.”

She turned and started to walk toward the kitchen. At least Michael and Ty were on the other side of the building. She could barely see Ty’s golden hair over the booth. Hopefully they wouldn’t even notice that she was sneaking out the back.

Of course they might not care at all.

It was perverse. She should be brave and march right over there and yell at both of them.

Instead she managed to run into Zane instead.

“Hey, you okay?” Zane glanced over at the booth she’d come from. “They give you trouble? I told the asshole who cornered you not to come back. I assumed they would all stay away.”

He’d told Brock not to come back? That wasn’t a surprise. Zane wouldn’t want that man around any of his employees. “They’re fine. Not any worse than other tourists.”

“Ah, so that look on your face is about the knuckleheads in the back,” Zane surmised. “You know they were called to Stef’s this morning, right? I’m surprised they’re still hanging out together. I would have given them two days before Michael killed Ty, so I’ve already lost that bet.”

“Yeah, they’re together and not with me,” she pointed out. She needed to get away. “Can I knock off a couple of minutes early?”

“You know you could go over and talk to them,” Zane chided.

“So that’s a no?” She wasn’t sure she was ready. Obviously this morning and last night had been more than enough trouble for Michael. She’d always known he would be easy to scare off.