He was suddenly awfully hungry, and not for food. She was so pretty standing there in the soft glow of the lights from the kitchen.

She moved a little closer to him, close enough that her body brushed against his. Her eyes were clear as she looked up at him and let her hands find his waist. “If you were hungry, I would make sure you were fed. I wouldn’t let your pride stand in the way of giving you what you need, Michael.”

She was the sweetest thing he’d seen in forever, and he knew he was moving too fast.

Or was he? They’d been circling each other for a year and a half. He reached for the nape of her neck, finding soft, warm skin there. He didn’t care if it was too soon. It might technically be their first date, but he had spent time with her. And he wanted her so badly, wanted this kiss more than he wanted his next breath.

Besides, Ty already got to kiss her. He remembered the jealousy that had burned through him while he’d watched her respond to Ty’s kiss. He hadn’t been able to do what Ty would be able to do. Ty would be able to walk in, toss the pizza aside, and demand equal time.

“Then let me do the same. Let me give you what you need, baby.” It had been so long since he’d felt necessary to someone. He could be important to Lucy. He could be important to Ty. Even if it was only for a little while.

“I think I might need you,” she whispered.

And then nothing would have stopped him from lowering his mouth to hers. He took her lips in a kiss that should show her exactly how hungry he was. He was starved. For her.

He started slow, not wanting to scare her off. He explored her lips with gentle brushes of his own while one arm wound around her waist, hugging her tight to his body.

She groaned quietly as she rubbed against him and opened her mouth, offering him more.

He took it. He surged inside her mouth, the heat between them ramping up and taking over all his best intentions. His tongue slid against hers and the hand around her waist went lower, finding her ass and cupping her there.

Her hands moved, too, mimicking his. She cupped his ass and gave him a squeeze, rubbing her body against his lengthening cock.

Fuck. “Baby, you’re playing with fire.”

“Am I? Will you think less of me if what I need is for you to strip me and take me to the bedroom? I’ve thought about this for months and months.”

The impulse to do exactly that was right there, begging to be acted on. But if he did that he would have her naked, spread out, and penetrated in minutes. He wanted this to last far longer. Instead, he moved her so her back was against the wall. He wasn’t thinking about anything but making sure she was satisfied. He would consider it an appetizer or a way to let off some of the steam between them. If he didn’t do it, he would be grumpy and frustrated all through dinner and the movie.

Yeah, that was why he should do it. Then he and Ty could take her to bed together.

That thought didn’t make his dick deflate. Not one bit. In fact, the image of Lucy in between the two of them made him growl and kiss her again. Or he could watch. He wouldn’t have told anyone he was a kinky guy, but since Ty offered him this bargain, he couldn’t stop thinking about how pretty they would be together. He could watch and stroke his own cock or he could order Ty to get her on her knees so she could suck him while Ty fucked her from behind.

Lucy’s legs parted, allowing him to move between them. Her skirt shoved up, revealing pretty legs. She was caught on his thigh, pressed between him and the wall, and her breath went ragged.

He kissed her for the longest time, easing her up and taking her weight on his leg. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed against him until the skirt of her dress was up around her waist and there was nothing but thin cotton between him and her pussy.

He moved against her, his cock stroking the denim of his jeans. He was well aware that he was acting like a teenager, grabbing whatever pleasure he could, but he couldn’t stop himself.

“Please, Michael.” Lucy’s face was gorgeously flush and the tie to her wrap dress had come undone while she’d been riding his leg like a rodeo queen.

He could please her. He could please her all night. Maybe they didn’t need the movie at all. When Ty got here, they would take her straight to bed.