River grinned. “Girl, I am more than happy to do it. I told Jax when summer comes we’re getting him shorts that show off his legs. We need to upgrade the cabin. I want to add on at least one more room.”

“You’re adding on?” Something brushed by her side.

“Sorry!” A girl in a pink coat ran through the snow, her brown braids bouncing as she laughed and raced toward Stella’s booth.

“Paige!” Max came jogging up behind his oldest. He gave Lucy an apologetic wave. “Sorry. She’s excited about hot chocolate.”

“Me, too,” Lucy proclaimed. And then she realized why River might add on to her cabin. She stopped and turned to her friend. “Are you?”

River flushed and shook her head. “No. I’m not pregnant.” A smile crossed her face. “Not yet, but we’re going to try. He’s going to be the best dad.”

And River would be an amazing mom.

But the fact that she wasn’t pregnant and they were close to the Trio booth gave Lucy an idea. “Come on. I’m in the mood for hot chocolate, too, but the adult kind. Now let me guess which rumor again. It’s weird that there are so many.”

River followed her, waving to friends as they passed. “This place runs on rumors, but they’re not really bad rumors. It’s just people talking about the other people they care about. We’re one big old family, and that means everyone is in everyone else’s business. So guess the next rumor.”

“Well, Michael drove to Durango last night to meet with his new boss. He starts Monday, and I’m a little nervous.” It was the first time they’d been apart. When Michael had gone to Florida to clean up all his affairs, they’d gone with him. The three of them had met with Jessie’s parents, and she believed it had been a genuinely healing time for all involved. He still talked to Jessie’s family every few weeks.

“He talked to me about this new job of his,” River said as they approached the little bar Trio had set up. Van was in the booth that had three stools in front of it and five stand-up tables. He was talking to a woman who nodded his way and picked up her mug before walking away.

Van stared, completely ignoring the dude who was trying to order. He was staring at the woman like he’d seen something amazing.

Well, someone had caught his eye.

“I’m excited to give him some backup,” River was saying. “When it gets warm again, Ty and I are going to test some of your man’s skills. It’s going to be fun. I’m all for being the hunter instead of the hunted. And that is not the rumor. I will put you out of your misery. Did you really buy the cabin across from Callie’s?”

She gasped. “Michael said he had a surprise for me when he got back.”

River winced. “Pretend I didn’t say anything.”

“I promise to be so surprised.” They moved in as Van finally shook his head and poured out a couple of beers. “I’m not sure how Michael thought he would be able to keep that under wraps. Marie is the realtor, and she’s bad at keeping a secret. Oh, River, I’m so excited. I can’t believe I’m here. I’m in Bliss and I’m in love and I’m…I’m just good, you know.”

River wrapped her arms around her. “You were always good, but now you’re home. I’m home, and it’s so good.”

She squeezed her bestie and turned to Van. “We need champagne. I thought I wanted hot chocolate with Bailey’s, but we’re celebrating.”

“What are we celebrating?” a deep voice asked.

She turned and Michael was walking up.

Lucy ran to join him, throwing herself into his arms. “I thought you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow.”

He hugged her close, and the world felt infinitely warmer. “My meetings ended early. I thought I would come out and lend a hand.”

He’d wanted to be home.

“I’m so glad.” She kissed him and her feet found the ground again.

“You’re back!” Ty ran across the festival ground and then her men were hugging in that back pounding masculine way.

River passed her a glass as the men started talking about Michael’s trip. “Hey, I talked to Van. I asked about that woman he was so obviously into, and I have gossip. Such good gossip.”

Lucy took the champagne. “What?”

“She’s staying at the Movie Motel,” River said, her own glass in hand. “She introduced herself as a lieutenant, so she must be military, and she asked about finding someone.”


“She’s looking for her father,” River explained.