He knew there were people who would think he was naïve, but Ty believed him. Michael wasn’t a man who made vows without thought. He’d been open and honest about his feelings even when it could have hurt his chances at getting in bed with Lucy. He was being the same now. Michael was allowing himself to be vulnerable, and Ty wasn’t going to punish him for it. He was going to do the same thing Michael had promised—be the best partner he could be. Today that included showing off and sharing the most gorgeous woman in the world.

He shifted so he was behind Lucy, easing the shirt off her shoulders. “Good, because I’m tired of waiting for my life to start. Lucy and I have wasted years, and I don’t want to wait another single day.”

Lucy’s hair fell around her shoulders as he undid the tie that held it in its bun. “No. We didn’t spend those years wasting time. We spent them waiting. I love you, Ty, but I don’t think we work without Michael. This is what we waited for. For you and me and Michael.”

He kissed the nape of her neck and went to work on her bra. Lucy was right. Things had worked out the way they should have, and he wasn’t going to be bitter about it. He was going to honor their past and find joy in their future. “You’re so right. This is what we waited for. I know it’s early, but it’s also not. It really has been years we’ve waited to be complete, and we finally are. I want a life with the two of you.”

“That’s everything I want,” Michael replied.

Ty got her bra off and let his hands cup the warm flesh of her breasts. She was perfect in every way, the mere touch of her calming his fears, easing his anxieties.

Everything was going to be okay. He felt it. Lucy was going to be all right. They would figure out who had killed Brock Foster. Between Nate and Michael, he could relax because they were smart and knew what they were doing.

His whole body suddenly felt electric. This was happening here and now, and it would cement the love between the three of them. All three of them. He and Michael might never touch in a sexual way, but there would be love between them. And then again, who knew? He wasn’t saying no to anything. The three of them had all the time in the world to experiment. All the trust in the world to be open to possibilities.

But today they were going to be all about the girl.

“She is so gorgeous,” Michael said, moving in and getting Lucy in between their big bodies. “Tell me you took care of her last night. The only thing that gave me comfort was the thought of you being with her.”

Ty felt a smile slide over his face as he continued to lay sweet kisses over her neck and shoulders. The night before had been emotional and hard, but there had been good parts. “I made sure she couldn’t do anything but sleep last night. I promise I tired her out. I fucked her at least three times before I let her sleep.”

“And he made me wear the dumb plug,” Lucy complained.

“Even though I wasn’t there?” Michael looked up from his study of Lucy’s breasts.

Ty nodded. “I knew you would come back. Deep down. Or maybe I just hoped, and I wanted us to be ready.”

“I think we both pretended you were there with us,” Lucy admitted.

He’d been able to feel the drag of the plug in her ass as he’d fucked her pussy. And yes, he’d thought about the fact that it would be better with Michael on the other side, better with the three of them being together.

“No more pretending,” Michael vowed before lowering his mouth to hers.

Ty rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers even as Michael took her mouth in a long, luxurious kiss. Ty let one hand slide down Lucy’s body, delving under her slacks and teasing inside her undies until he could feel the mound of her pussy. He slipped a finger over her clit and found her already wet. “Oh, baby, do you feel that?”

She gasped and pressed her pelvis against his hand.

“She responds so quickly,” Michael said in a low tone that let Ty know he was definitely affected by Lucy writhing against him. She was pressing her pussy against Ty’s hand, and that pressed his hand against Michael’s erection. His partner was hard as a rock, but then so was he. Ty’s cock swelled against her backside—as though it knew it was going to be inside there very soon.

“Only to you two,” Lucy admitted. “Nothing ever worked for me until I found the two of you.”