His words throw me. So much so, that I don’t even realize we’ve stopped.

When he gets out, he walks around and offers me his hand. I look out the window to a two-story brownstone.

“Welcome home, Sailor.” I take his offered hand and get out of the car. When I’m standing in front of him, he makes sure to push my hair behind my ear, sending shivers all over my body. “It’s going to be amazing… you and me.” He leans down and kisses my cheek. “Wren will love it, and I will love you enough for both of us.”

I let those words sink in.

Why do I believe every word that drips from his lips?

It’s not just because I want to or need to. It’s because I believe in him. Don’t ask me why, I could list many reasons. None of them started with how we met, but the little things he has done for me after that moment in time.

I love this man.

Even when I shouldn’t.

I want what I know he can give me.

So, when I look up to him, I offer him a small smile.

“Marry me,” he says, then kisses my lips before I have a chance to answer him.

Chapter Thirty-One


Six Months Later…

* * *

She didn’t say yes when I asked her to marry me on the steps of our home, but I knew I would get her eventually. She said yes two months later. And today she is walking down the aisle looking like my most favorite snack, in a strapless dress made of lace encasing her curves, with her hair long and curled down her bareback.

Wren wiggles in her seat as my mother holds her, wanting to get to Sailor.

Hell, I don’t blame her.

I want to get to her as well—to see what she has on under that dress mostly.

Sailor’s parents are sitting behind us. Her mother is still not pleased with her choice, but she bites her tongue and for that I am grateful.


I miss that body.

It’s been forever since I’ve had a taste.


We waited until today. She asked me to, and I couldn’t say no. Because for her, I would have moved mountains, heaven, and earth.

It hasn’t been easy, though. Thankfully, she still let me play. Her hands would snake around my cock in the shower, followed by her mouth. My mouth would taste her often, but she never let me finish her off.

She said if I could do this, I would do anything for her.

And she was right.

I will do anything for her.

But to say I won’t be happy to strip that dress off her the first chance I get would be a lie. It will be in shreds on the fucking floor.

As soon as she’s near, I reach out to touch her. She shivers, and I lean into her ear. She smells fucking delicious. “Soon, very soon, that dress will be on the floor in shreds, and I will be inside of you, right where I fucking belong.” I pull back and mouth, “tick-tock.”

She chuckles at my words as the wedding starts.

It started off small, yet, somehow, we have over forty guests and the venue is a small library. Her idea. She also had a plan that every guest gets to pick a book as their own treat, and at the end we pay the tab.

My little fucking bookworm.

* * *


His hands are hot on my body as they roam all over it. Who knew this man would steal more than I could have ever anticipated? And he was patient. I never thought of Keir as a patient man—he always took what he wanted and gave no excuses for it.

But for me, he’s patient.

And it’s what I need.

I need to know he’s there for me, not just for what I can give him.

He’s proved that time and time again.

And believe me, not letting him take for over six months has been hard. I’ve wanted him probably just as much as he’s wanted me. But we made a deal, and we stuck to it. And I’m so glad we have.

He’s my best friend. I tell him everything. Literally everything, even things I probably shouldn’t. But I don’t trust anyone else as much as I trust him now.

I stay away from his business, as far as I can get anyway. I mean, we have dinners once a month with all the boys and Piper, but most of them are family anyway, so that’s how I see them. They keep business out of the room that night because those nights are for fun and drinking.

Piper has become close.

And Paige? Well, we haven’t seen her for a long time, and I’m glad. I don’t ask about her at all. Last I heard, she had the baby and is living in Italy. As long as she isn’t around me anymore, that’s all I care about.