“I wanted to see Piper first. Do I have time?” I ask, picking up one of the heavy bags I have packed as well as Wren’s.

She checks her watch. “Just a quick visit, yes.”

It feels like forever since everything happened, but it also feels like it was seconds ago. When in reality, it was last night. The car stops at the hospital, and I get out. Bianca stays in the car with Wren as she sleeps.

I find Piper’s room easily. When I push open the door, Keir is sitting there, his legs crossed, and his hands locked as if he’s in deep thought. At the squeak of the door, he raises his head, and those dark, devilish eyes lock on me. I look away, breaking eye contact first, and focus on Piper, who is sitting up on the bed, covered in bandages.

She smiles. “Hey.” Her voice is weak, and I move closer, laying my hand on hers.

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I left.”

Piper’s eyes move to Keir before they come back to me. “You going somewhere?” she asks. “Why?” I can feel his stare boring into me at her question.

“Yeah, but don’t worry about me. You need to get better. How long did they say you would be out for?”

“A few months,” she grumbles.

“You need time to heal,” Keir grumbles out from behind me.

“I’m sorry for your loss, I am not sure if he told you yet.”

“I did.” His voice is clear and I look back at him with his hands still clasped as he watches me.

I spin back to Piper. “Call me if you’re bored?”

She nods as I lean down and kiss her cheek before I walk out. I don’t even glance at him. It’s best I don’t because I can’t be responsible for my actions if I do. I push the button on the elevator, and as it opens, Keir walks out the door and our eyes lock. His mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out, so I offer him a small smile as I walk in and press the button to go down.

Why does it feel like he just punched a hole right through my chest?

How can life be so cruel?

Wiping at my eyes, the tears are now free-flowing, I get off the elevator and run straight into Joey. He places his hands on my shoulders to stop me from falling and smirks. “Hey, pretty girl, where you off to?” he asks.

I look out the door at the car coming up to the entrance, and he does too. He goes to the door and holds it open for me. Joey gives his mother a wave and looks back to me. “You sure you want to go? Can’t I convince you to stay?”

“No, Joey, but thank you.” He leans in and kisses my cheek.

“I wasn’t a fan of you at first…” He pauses. “But I see now that it’s only because he treated you better than even me. But I also see that, because of you, he and I have a better relationship. He hardly spoke to me before you, and now he does. So, thank you, and please come back.” He peers into the car. “And bring that little girl with you.” He turns and walks off as I slide into the car.

“He idolizes his brother,” Bianca says as I clip my seat belt into place. “I’m glad they have each other. I was going to stop after Keir, but a part of me knew he needed someone else, because the weight that would be put on his shoulders would be more than enough for anyone, and for him to have a good relationship with anyone would be a struggle. Mark was better at dealing with the isolation, and he trained Keir the same way. But the difference is that I gave Keir family. Mark couldn’t care less for family. It’s why he drew up those stupid contracts.” She shivers as the driver starts to pull away.

When I look back toward the hospital, I see Keir there at the door, watching me leave.

Wren made traveling easy. It helped that we flew business class, considering the length of the flight. It was a nice surprise that Bianca did that for us, but I shouldn’t have expected anything less. Bianca is all class, from the way she dresses to the way she lives her life.

Wren crawls on the floor, and I smile as I watch her. The apartment is located in Brisbane, Australia, and it overlooks the Brisbane River, which honestly looks like it’s full of mud. But it’s a beautiful view nonetheless, especially when night hits and the city lights brighten everything making the city glow.

We haven’t left the apartment since we arrived a few days ago. We’ve been sleeping and trying to get rid of the jet lag. Wren seems to be handling it better than I am.