“I was just going to get some milk from the shop with Wren. Come… take a walk with me.” I try to act casually, so as not to raise their suspicions and give the others a chance to leave without causing a scene.

“That’s not going to happen until I get answers.” My mother pushes in past me and goes straight to Keir. “Look, we have the dropkick here…” She fake scoffs. “Are you being a father now?”

I wince at her words.

Joey chuckles and his mother’s eyes go wide.

“Mom,” I say, calling for her, but unfortunately, she’s on a mission.

“You left her and that baby. So you see my surprise when I get a text from my daughter telling us that she no longer lives in her own house but back here with you.” She turns to face me. “I take it you didn’t move yesterday when you texted me.”


“I figured so.” She shakes her head.

Dammit! I had to text her in case she went to see me. I didn’t think she would come here to find me though, but I have, as usual, underestimated her ability to interfere.

“I’m Bianca, Keir’s mother.” Bianca steps forward. “Let’s go for a walk to get some milk. I hear it’s beautiful outside and Wren wants to get out.” I nod, agreeing with her.

My mother shoots a steely gaze to Keir, her finger pointed in his face. “I am not finished talking to you.”

We walk out, and I look back as I shut the door. Keir stares after me, but I rip my eyes away as we leave.

“You’ve raised a wonderful daughter,” Bianca says, and my father gushes while my mother locks eyes with me. “The way she looks after Wren is beautiful and perfect,” Bianca continues.

“Mom,” I say as the elevator stops and we get off in the lobby. We start walking and my father motions to take Wren. The two of them and Bianca walk on ahead of us, but I stay back and look to my mother. “It isn’t as bad as you think.”

It’s probably worse, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“He’s going to destroy you,” she whispers, worry lacing her tone. “A man like that is only capable of causing pain.” She touches my arm. “It’s why you are only meant to fuck the good-looking ones and marry the not-so-good-looking ones. They know what they have, while the others don’t.”

“That sounds so…” Fucked up. But I shake my head and leave the thought unsaid. We follow behind my father as we head to the local shop. “He’s good with her, gives her what she needs. What I need.”

“You don’t need him,” she states.

“But that isn’t up to me. He is her father.”

“It’s always up to you. You don’t have to be sleeping with him because he is her father, you know that, right?”

“I do know that.”

She nods her head. Good.

“So remember that when he pulls your skirt up.” She walks ahead until we reach Bianca and my father, who’s still holding Wren. “Your son seems to cause a lot of trouble with my girl,” my mother says to Bianca.

“I think Sailor is very capable of handling anything my son throws her way.” She winks at me. “Got the milk. Should we head back?”

“Yes, let’s. Hopefully, that girl is gone now.” My mother looks to me. “I’m not blind, and I know what he does.”

Bianca looks at me for an explanation, but I can’t give her any because that would mean I would have to tell my mother more, and that’s not something I’m willing to divulge anytime soon.

Keir is waiting at the entrance for us when we get back. Everyone else is gone. He walks over to me and places a hand on the small of my back. “Why don’t we go for dinner, my treat.”

I go to decline, but my mother is already saying yes. She walks past us, steps inside and everyone else follows.

When Keir and I are alone, I pull away from his touch.

“How did you know she was at my place?” I ask him.

“Piper tracked her.”

“Where were you when you found out?”

“I didn’t touch her, nor do I plan to,” he states categorically.

I don’t know if that statement gives me any peace or not.

“You aren’t mine to keep,” I say.

“But you are mine. You would do well to remember that,” he bites out, and his hand goes to the small of my back again. I try to move out of the way, but he pushes me into the elevator, then presses the floor number. As the door shuts, he is on me, fast and hard. His mouth is at my ear, his body pressed against mine so I can feel him everywhere. It’s as if he’s taking over, taking me over.

Soon, when I come back to my senses, I push at his chest and he backs up as the doors ding and slide open.