“You plan to break the contract,” Joey states from beside me. Francis is driving, and Roberto sits in the front with him.

“I do,” I reply. “I’ll tell the families, and if anyone has a problem, they can go through me.”

“It’s been the same way for generations. Are you sure this is smart?”

“Most don’t have a say anymore. I made sure of that. I run this organization, and those who would dare go against me, know what I will do.” I turn to face Joey. “Would you go against me?”

Instantly, he shakes his head. “I agree, old laws are meant to be broken.” He nods.

“Some aren’t,” Roberto chimes in from the front.

“And why is that?” I ask him.

“They’ve kept us going for this long. We’ve stayed on top, had allies because of who we are and our traditions. And it’s not just here you have to think about. What about the families in Italy? Do you think they will be okay with you breaking contracts that were made generations before you were even born?”

“Are you saying you wouldn’t stick by me?” I ask. My hand is on my knee, gripping, waiting for him to answer.

He catches my eye in the rearview mirror. “I have your back. But I am saying retaliation should be expected.”

“By whom?” He shakes his head. “Paige called it off, so if any retaliation should come, it should be aimed squarely at her.”

“She is pregnant with your child,” Roberto says through gritted teeth. “Do you really not care now that you have that other piece of ass?”

I lean forward. “I’d watch what you say about her.”

“I’m sorry.” He huffs. “All I’m saying is… the deal was made.”

“Some deals are meant to be broken.” I shrug.

And it’s true, they are.

We are a family of thieves and money launderers, amongst other things. The men back home in Italy were a large part of it. And, surely, if I went back, I would have to deal with a whole new set of people. But I’m not planning on going back there. This is my home. This is what I was raised to do. I know this country better than they do. I make them money from here. They don’t just want to come here because it’s the land of the free. My father built his empire here, and his father before him. But I have made it better, cleaner, more efficient, and fewer of my men are caught. Thrown away. None of them could do what I do. They need me more than I need any of them.

“Some of the men still answer to the bosses back home,” Joey reminds me.

He isn’t wrong, and it could start a small war here. But it’s one I’m willing to take on.

Paige’s family back home will not be pleased. And mine… well, most of mine are dead. And most people’s opinions of me, I no longer care about.

“Now they answer to me,” I remind him.

Roberto nods as we make our way to Romarc’s house.

I glance at Roberto in the passenger seat, his leg is bouncing nervously. Looking to Joey, I nod my head. He looks at Roberto and scrunches his brows. As soon as we pull up to the house, Piper is standing there waiting for us. She smiles and Roberto groans when he notices her.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” he barks.

“Fuck you,” Piper snaps.

“Aren’t you going back to Italy?” Roberto asks her.

“Nope, I’m here to stay.” She turns and faces me. “That reminds me, the families have called. Asked that you get in touch with them.” She smiles. “They actually more demanded it, but you get the gist.”

“Maybe they already know.”

“That you don’t intend to fulfill your father’s contract? Oh, yeah, they do,” Piper says. “They swore a lot in Italian, then hung up on me.” She chuckles. “Old bats.” She shakes her head as we make our way to the door.

It’s a large house, quite impressive, even has a little white gate and picket fence.

“You should go home. I’m sure the men have someone for you to marry,” Roberto goads her. I watch as she steps up to her brother and then punches him in the gut, making him double over.

“I wouldn’t allow them to tell me who to marry,” she says, smirking. “You fuckhead.”

“Bitch,” he snarls, then stands and goes to run at her.

I step in the middle, having had enough of their shit.

Walking past them to the front door, I knock. When the door opens, she’s standing there. A woman I let suck my cock—Angela.

“Keir.” Her voice is full of shock, and she looks to everyone standing with me, then behind her. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“Your husband won’t know,” I tell her.

Her brows go up in surprise. “You know I’m married?”

“Tell me. Why did you do it?” I ask.