* * *

I watch as the bubbles appear, indicating she’s typing, but then they disappear and don’t resume.

I head into Wren’s room to check on her before I pull up another camera. Then I watch as Roberto paces back and forth in front of a guy tied to a chair. The guy smirks at him.

“What the fuck are you smiling at?” Roberto growls, then stalks over and punches him in the face. The guy’s head flies backward, but he can’t go far because he’s tied down. “Have you seen her?” Roberto asks, pulling his head up by his hair and getting right in his face.

The guy spits at Roberto, which makes Roberto backhand him again. “Piece of shit.” Clicking off the camera when Wren makes a noise, I step back over to see her open her gorgeous eyes.

“Hey there, pretty girl.” She blinks a few times before I lift her up and cradle her in my arms. Sailor said she usually sleeps through the night, so I’m guessing she doesn’t need a bottle, but I change her diaper just to be sure. When that’s done, she gives me a small yawn, and I sit in the chair as she snuggles up on my shoulder and I start patting her back.

“There once was a bad man…

“And this bad man found the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on. And this bad man was meant to kill this woman, but he couldn’t find it in himself to do that. So instead, he took her. Because the thought of not being around her pained him for a reason he didn’t quite understand.

“This woman had long honey-brown hair, eyes so soft and doe-like that they were impossible to resist. Yet, when she looked at the bad man, he thought of nothing but the possibilities between the two of them.

“You see… this bad man took and took from this woman. Yet, somehow, along the way, he had a taste of her and she let him. And in doing so, the deal was sealed. He had to have her, and have her he did.” I hear Wren’s soft snore as I lift her back up and place her in the crib. When I turn toward the door, Joey is standing there.

“It’s only going to end one way… in heartbreak. You know this,” he states.

“Is there any other way?” I smirk as I walk out of the room, shutting the door with a quiet click behind me.

Chapter Twenty


I’ve had one too many drinks, and I haven’t been able to get Keir’s last text out of my head. How just him thinking of me makes his cock hard. Those words do something to me, the fact that I have that kind of power over him. I like his cock—a lot. I like the way it feels, the way it makes me feel.

“Sailor.” Piper throws her arms around me as we make our way off the dance floor. “You know, I always keep track of Keir through the gossip articles,” she says and smirks. “Seems he’s quite smitten with you, and Keir does not get smitten.”

We weave our way through the crowd to the bar. We left the VIP area a while ago to dance and haven’t been back since. I think I’ve danced off a lot of what I drank, but trust me, there is way more to go.

“Tequila,” Piper says, tapping the bar.

Two shots are placed in front of us, and I pour mine down my throat followed by a hit of salt and lime.

“Wait here. I need to go hit on that dude who’s been eyeing my ass all night.” She turns and points to a man who’s dressed in a suit, sitting in the VIP area surrounded by ladies. I watch as she saunters straight up to him with not a care in the world, then sits on his lap.

Looking away, I check my cell and re-read Keir’s last text. I can’t help the grin that pulls at my lips. It’s so wrong to want someone when you know in the end all he’s going to do is break your heart. I mean, he’s done it once before, and I didn’t even realize he had done just that. Not until I saw him again and my heart came back to life. It was then I knew that through many relationships, none had ever felt as good or as wrong as whatever we have does.

“I thought that was you,” a man says from beside me.

I squint as I stare at him. He looks familiar, but I can’t place him. Maybe it’s the alcohol.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. You don’t live in the city any longer?” he asks.

“Umm, yeah, I do.” He waits for me to tell him more. “I’m just out here for the weekend,” I say, to which he nods.