“You didn’t know?” he asks, then turns back to me. He winks, and I want to smash his face into the fucking table. “Maybe since you’re done with her, you wouldn’t mind sharing?” he asks me, then looks at Sailor, his hand still on her.

I move from the table so fast that my chair falls over behind me as I make my way to him. He’s too busy giving her sex eyes that it takes him a second to notice me coming for him. But that second costs him, because I tear his chair away from the table and he falls to the floor. One of my hands is around his throat, my knee on his chest, and my other hand has my gun in it. “What did you say?” I snarl.

Lucas is far from serious, I know he likes to stir the pot. So when he starts laughing, I loosen my grip on his throat.

He looks past me and says, “Seems your fiancé doesn’t want you. How about we fuck?” I look up to see Paige standing there. His eyes then move to Sailor, who has remained in her seat. “Sorry, love, it’s not you, it’s him.” He nods to me, and I punch him in the face for being an asshole before I remove my knee from his chest and stand, holstering my gun.

“Why do you care about her?” Paige screams and points a finger at Sailor. Sailor doesn’t even look our way, too focused on the wine in front of her. “She’s trash. Absolute trash. I come from a good family, a good name. Our son…” she rubs her belly and I hear Sailor cough and place her wine back on the table, “… will have everything. He will be the next you. Aren’t you excited for that?”

Everyone at the table stays quiet, except Lucas.

Chapter Sixteen


“It’s not him, it’s you,” Lucas says to Paige as he gets up from the floor. I’m not even sure how to comprehend what’s just happened.

I push my seat back and stand.

Lucas leans down and whispers in my ear, “Want to get out of here?”

I shake my head and move away from all of them.

Dinner was nice.

Until it wasn’t.

“See? She runs. She doesn’t want anything to do with you.” I hear Paige huff before she screams, “Yet, here I am, showing you I’m willing to give you everything.”

“Remove your hand, Paige.” I hear Keir say before their voices become distant as I make my way to Wren’s room.

A baby. I wonder if he even planned to tell me that little snippet of information, or did he think he could just keep it from me? He had to have known I didn’t know. Of course, I knew about the ring as she has made that incredibly obvious. But I wonder why she never mentioned that she’s pregnant.

As soon as I get to the room, I see my baby girl asleep. I’m lucky she sleeps the full night now. There were times when she woke me up every two hours, and it was pure unadulterated hell. Not having anyone to help me when I was so tired I couldn’t lift a finger to do anything but care for Wren. There were times when I thought I was going out of my mind. Times when I considered calling Keir, telling him what an asshole he was. But this was my choice, and I wanted to make sure I was in the right headspace when he eventually found out.

I hear who I assume is Keir’s footsteps coming down the hall. Somehow I just know it’s him. I shut the door behind me and flip the lock. Leaning back against it, I slide to the floor.

“Sailor.” His voice isn’t hostile, it’s soft, and Keir is never soft.

“Fuck you, Keir. Fuck. You! I tried doing this. I did. I wouldn’t have cared about her, but you keep on showing me that you care more for her than me.” Paige huffs out something unintelligible as I check the crib and see Wren, thankfully, is still sleeping. Even though tonight has been a shitshow of them yelling for some reason this gorgeous girl sleeps through it. “How could you, after everything?” Paige’s voice is even louder now.

I push up from the floor and open the door, and both sets of eyes fall to me.

“You!” Paige lunges toward me, looking completely unhinged, but Keir captures her with his arm and pushes her back.

“Don’t,” Keir warns her.

“My child is sleeping in here, take this shit elsewhere,” I say to them.

“How does it feel?” Paige asks, standing tall, her head dropping to the side.

“Not sure what you’re talking about.”

“To have my sloppy seconds.” She smiles in a way that turns my stomach and looks to Keir. “You disgust me!” I can’t help the laugh that bubbles up from inside me. “Stop laughing, you whore!” she screams. “You ruined our relationship. You ruined us.”