He sighs and finally stands, adjusts his cock, then stares at Paige.

“What the fuck do you want?”

Chapter Fifteen


Paige looks at me as if she didn’t just interrupt something. I cock my head to the side, waiting for her stupid reply. “What. Do. You. Want?” I reiterate.

Her eyes are wide, and she looks at Sailor as if she’s an inconvenience. Wren makes a sound from the floor and Sailor stands to grab her, but Paige reaches her first and picks her up. I feel Sailor go stiff next to me, then she lifts her hands toward Wren. “Give her to me.”

Paige studies Wren for a moment, then looks at me. “She doesn’t even look like you. How do you know she’s yours?”

Sailor doesn’t waste any time stepping forward and removing Wren from Paige’s grip, and luckily for her, Paige lets go easily.

“I’m starving. Think dinner will be ready soon?” Joey walks in, rubbing his belly. He pauses as Sailor walks past him, shoving his shoulder as she goes. His brows pinch together, and he shakes his head. “What’s up her ass?”

“Yeah, I would like to know who’s up there as well,” Paige states as the doorbell rings.

Joey claps his hands together. “The boys are here.” And he’s gone.

I look back to Paige, my stare set on her as I step closer.

“You don’t want her. Not really,” she says flippantly. “It’s just a phase. She’ll be gone and I will still be here. When will you see that?” Paige’s hand lifts and she brushes it across my face. I capture it and pull it away, holding it, wanting to break it but knowing better.

“It’s not you I want, it’s her. Always her,” I growl as someone whistles.

We both turn to find Lucas and Joey standing there.

My cousin eyes Paige, then me. “Nice to see you again,” he says. I greet him with a nod. “Did I tell you I brought company?” I look behind him to see two beauties. They offer a little wave and I give nothing back.

“I told you not to bring anyone.”

He huffs and turns back to the girls. “Go to the hotel, I’ll be fucking you both later.” They giggle before they turn and leave. Lucas likes pain with his sex. I wonder if they know that? And not your average pain. Sometimes he goes too far and kills them. Believe me, he’s done it more than once, and we’ve had to help him clean up the mess.

“What’s the bitch doing here?” He nods to Paige as Sailor enters, without Wren. She smiles when she sees Lucas, and I’m taken aback. No one smiles when they see Lucas. “How’s the musk going?” he asks her. He steps up to her, and I watch as he leans in close to her neck and sniffs her.

She gives him a small laugh before she speaks, “I’m afraid it’s changed. More of a dirtier musk now,” she answers. Which in turn makes him smile. Lucas doesn’t smile much. “You here for dinner?” He nods at Sailor and offers her his elbow, and she takes it as they start for the dining room.

“Where is Wren?” I ask her. She doesn’t let go of Lucas when she answers me, “Asleep,” she replies, then walks off with him.

“Keir.” Paige’s hand lands on my arm and I pull it away. “Keir, try with me. It could be so good.”

Ignoring her, I follow them.

Sailor stayed seated between Joey and Lucas, even though I told her to move. She refused. She is the only person who doesn’t listen to me when I bark out a command.

It’s infuriating, annoying, but oh so sexy.

Lucas pours her another glass of wine, and she leans in telling him something. He says something back and she throws her head back, laughing.

Her long neck is tanned, and I remember how it tastes. How my tongue made a clear line up until I got to her lips. Those fuckable lips.

Maybe it’s an obsession.

Maybe I need to fuck her out of my system.

It has to be that.

There can’t be another reason. Can there?

Everyone looks to her because it’s hard not to. She is hypnotizing. Not the timid person she was when she had dinner with us the first time. Now she is more free, open. And I want to slice off my cousin’s fucking arm.

Paige sits next to me, and her fingers move over and touch mine. She smiles when I glance at her.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” Lucas says, nodding to Paige and me.

Paige lifts her hand and shows the ring. I watch as Sailor drinks the rest of her wine in her glass.

“Yes, we can’t wait. Just have to sort out a date.”

“I wasn’t talking about that,” Lucas says, and I focus on Sailor. “The baby.”

Sailor’s eyes go wide, and she pauses mid-drink. I hear her cough before she pulls it away and Lucas rubs her back.