I’m really getting sick of old family laws.



It was a mistake sleeping with Paige. I know this. I got back from watching the most magical thing ever—the birth of my child—and only planned to stay a few months before I returned and brought them home. But then I fucked up. I slept with her for the first and only time two months after I’d been back. And just before I was going to leave, she showed up with a pregnancy test, telling me to stay. I had already decided I was not going to marry her. Fuck the contract. Those who wanted to contest me, I would kill.


… babies change things.

And I knew Sailor would not accept it.

I’d fucked up.


Yes, Sailor and I weren’t together, but I doubt that would have mattered to her. It mattered to me. I hadn’t fucked anyone since she left, not that I didn’t try, but Paige came at the right time. The perfect time because I was drunk, horny as fuck, and only wanted one person.

I’m pretty certain as I fucked Paige, I even called her lollipop.

That woman is nothing like my sweet lollipop.

The words she just said hit me, and it takes everything in me to not walk over and strangle her to death. Who the fuck does she think she is, threatening me?

“We have an appointment for you to see your son. Do you plan on canceling on me today like you did the other day?” she asks. “And by the way, your men aren’t doing shit. Today, I found a dead rat at my door. Aren’t they meant to be protecting me?” she yells.

“Stop fucking leaving the house when you aren’t meant to,” I bark at her.

“I can’t stay tucked away like a prisoner. Why does he want me scared anyway?” I look at the ring on her hand and know exactly why. Romarc likes to hurt those close to you before he goes after what he wants. He has a reputation, but it never applied to me because he knew if he fucked with me, I would end his fucking life. He thinks hurting Paige because she’s my fiancée affects me. It doesn’t, but I will protect her because if she is carrying my child, which I have doubts, I can’t have someone hurting what is mine.

“Can I move in here?” She eyes the apartment, and I immediately grab my jacket and head for the elevator. The doorman doesn’t let just anyone up, so she snuck in, because no one else would be stupid enough to enter my apartment.

“That’s not happening,” I say as we get into the elevator.

She huffs, and it’s not as cute or adorable as when Sailor does it. In fact, everything Paige does annoys me. I would never willingly choose her to be in my life. Even growing up when she would come around with her father, I avoided her like the plague. In fact, Roberto used to have a crush on her, and we used to give him absolute shit about it.

I actually don’t even remember fucking Paige. I was so fucking drunk that I only remember her hands rubbing over my body as I pushed her away. But back she would come until it was too late.

“It would be for the best.” Her fingers touch her belly, and she rubs circles as she does.


“Do you not care?” she asks. “What if they hurt us?” Her voice goes up in pitch, and I do everything in me to not cringe.

“I have someone with you, so don’t act like you are a victim here.” We get into the car, and she crosses her legs one over the other and scoots closer to me. Her hand lands on my shoulder and I turn to face her.

“We could do it right here, in this car.” Her hand slides down my shoulder to my chest. I capture it, stopping her from going any farther.

“That’s not going to happen either,” I state, pulling her hand free. When I look at Paige, I don’t see what I want. No, what I want is a cute little brunette with ink covering one leg and a pair of doe eyes staring back at me. I especially love it when those eyes are mad.

Paige is… well, Paige.



And not what I want.

“I would let you call me that again…” She pauses. “Lollipop.”

Dammit! That name slipped from my lips when Paige’s lips touched mine. I don’t really recall much else, but she let me nonetheless. I don’t tell her that name’s not reserved for her, that it’s for someone else. She turns back around when I give her no answer, and she doesn’t speak the rest of the way. I work on my cell until the car comes to a stop. When we get out, she steps closer to me and slides her hand in mine.