

“So, tell me… why are you marrying her?” I ask. “And why are you trying to sleep with me when you’re with her?”

“I slept with her once. Haven’t touched her romantically in months,” he says, and for some reason I believe him. “I don’t see her the way I see you.”

“You should stop that right there,” I say, shaking my head to will my pesky feelings away from coming to the surface. “I never want to be considered a third wheel. Nor the other woman. And that’s what you’re making me… the other woman. What happened the other night will never happen again. It was a mistake.” I turn away and begin packing her diaper bag.

“The contract states if I break it, she has a right to my fortune and can also kill my brother.”

I balk at his words. “What?” I shake my head, utter disbelief making me pause. “Who on God’s green earth would put in a contract to allow their child to be killed if it was broken? I’m guessing that was your father, right?”

“Correct. He knew Joey and I were close, so he used that to his advantage. By adding the bit about Joey, he knew I would follow the contract to the letter of the law.”

My eyes flick to Wren, then to him. “You should marry her, then.”

“Or I could kill her.” He smiles and mischief touches his eyes making them twinkle.

“I’m sure there’s something in there about that as well,” I reply with an eye roll.

“There is.”

“See.” I throw up my hands. “Why the contract to begin with?” I ask. “What is the point?”

“It’s how our families have stayed so powerful for so long. We enter into contracts to ensure our bloodlines stay pure and have the right connections. Back when I was younger, Paige’s father was my father’s second in charge. He saved my father’s life multiple times, but toward the end, he took a bullet for him. And in doing so, a contract was served to protect his family and ensure that everything he did would not go unnoticed. We protect our own, Sailor, with a vengeance.”

“That’s great and all, but marrying someone you don’t love? What a fucked-up life. You think you would know that from what your mother went through.” Walking back to him with the bag and stroller now in hand, I lean down and pick up Wren from his chest. As I do, my hands scrape over him and he sucks in a breath of air when I’m close. Our eyes lock. “What happens if you kill her?”

“I lose everything.”

“I’m sure your men wouldn’t just leave you.”

“Everyone is hungry for power, Sailor. Everyone.”

“I’m not,” I tell him, pulling Wren up and into my arms. She hardly makes a sound as I lay her into her stroller.

“You, my sweet lollipop, are irreplaceable. I wish I could have met you in another life, under different circumstances…”

His words shock me.

Keir rises from the couch and goes straight to the kitchen and pours himself a stiff drink. His eyes are cast down, and I can see the tension radiating from him as he stands there, one hand braced on the counter while the other lifts the glass of brown liquid to his lips.

Demons haunt him.

Ones I’m not sure I’m ready to see.

Ones I’m not sure should be released.

“We’ll come out for the weekend,” I finally say. “But, Keir…” he looks up at me, “… I’m not sharing a bed or room with you.”

“If you say so.” He smirks.

“I just won’t come.”

“No, come.” I nod and head toward the door. “My driver is downstairs to take you both home.” Keir turns and leaves us standing there, and I wonder why his face holds such a haunted look. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that look on him before, and I’m not sure I want to know the reason why either.

The elevator dings, and I step in, taking one last glance back.

Maybe being him isn’t as easy as I thought.

Maybe it’s everything you wish you never had but can’t give up.

Chapter Thirteen


She’s back. Does she ever leave? I know if Paige killed my family, I would never want to see her face again. Yet, here we are, in front of each other like it’s normal. Like anything about this is normal.

“I want you to stop seeing her,” Paige demands as she walks into my apartment. How the hell did she get past security when they all know she isn’t permitted to enter? Maybe I should start locking it? Her hands are on her hips and her face is dead serious.

“Do you really think you can come in here and tell me what to do?”

“If you want to see your son, you will do what I say.” I throw my head back and laugh at her. I haven’t questioned her before or asked her why I have never been invited to any of the baby appointments. She just showed up one day and said she was pregnant, and she needed a ring. Because we aren’t allowed to have a baby out of wedlock. That child needs to be brought into the world with our last names matching.