“She has no control over me,” I point out, and both my mother and Joey look at me. “You honestly think anyone can control me?” I smile while shaking my head.

“I heard about what happened yesterday,” Joey says, biting into another cookie. “How about you give me the keys to the kingdom for a day?”

“You know that’s never going to happen.”

“See? What did it take for her to get them?”

“She didn’t take them. I let her see that this is a man’s job, not a woman’s.”

“But you declared everything will go to Wren, so you believe her?”

My fist slams down on the kitchen counter, and my mother jumps a little, but Joey is used to my temperament. He continues to eat his cookie, not even blinking at my outburst.

“I didn’t believe her, I believe those who are loyal to me.”

Roberto walks in and goes straight over to my mother, kissing her cheek before he also steals a cookie. “Why is everyone so quiet?” he asks.

“How was Sailor yesterday?” I ask, and Roberto looks around the room before he answers, “Great, until the altercation with Paige.”

My mother’s brows raise. She knew Paige was there, we just don’t share too many details with her.

“But even that she handled well. Paige was taunting her, calling Wren names. It was only then that she snapped.”

My mother bites her lip.

Joey averts his eyes and says nothing.

“There is your fucking answer,” I say to Joey. “Any more stupid questions?”

“Yeah, just two. Why is Paige waiting for you downstairs? And did you know Sailor is on her way?”

Oh, fuck! I’m moving before anyone can say anything else. Reaching for my cell on the way out, I see a text from Sailor asking if she can come over so I can watch Wren while she goes to a doctor’s appointment.




“I’ll come with you. Hopefully, I can help.” Quickly we step out and into the elevator, my mother coming with me. “I didn’t agree with this at first, just so you are aware,” she says, then turns to face me. “But I see her, and I like Sailor. She isn’t like any of the other women in our life. More than that, she’s a wonderful mother.”

I don’t disagree.

If only it were as easy as telling her she will be mine forever.

It’s not, though.

Not in this fucked up world.

Chapter Twelve


Keir never answered, but he doesn’t live far, so I’m hoping he’s still asleep and that’s why he never responded. Wren plays happily with the new toy I got her as she sits in the stroller. I went to bed last night and all I could think about was how his hands touched me, how he looked at me like no one else existed.

But others do exist.

It’s a lie, and I’m living it.

As I gaze at my daughter, I think about the way she looks at her father, and I can’t take her away from him. It’s not fair to Wren to do something like that. He doesn’t hurt me. Yes, he fucks with my emotions, but who doesn’t.

I lift my head when I hear, “You have got to be kidding me,” as I walk into the building to find Paige standing there. “What the fuck are you doing here? And…” her eyes drop to my daughter, and she scrunches up her nose, “… with that?”

I have patience.

I do.

But with this bitch of a woman, I do not. I turn the stroller around so Wren can’t see her and step nice and close, keeping my voice even. “Keir doesn’t love you, Paige. How delusional are you?” My words are mean, but she needs to understand.

She flicks her hair behind her ear. “You don’t know that. We’re happy.” I scoff at her as she holds up her left hand. “You see this? This shows that he does, in fact, love me. Where is yours?”

“I wouldn’t accept one even if he gave me one. Because, unlike you, I’m not desperate.” I continue past her, and I can hear her follow as I push the stroller toward the elevator.

“Where are you going?”

“My daughter needs to see her father.”

“You aren’t allowed up there.”

It’s then I notice she’s waiting in the lobby, and that fact brings a real smile to my face. “You aren’t allowed? Oh, wow! Yes, I see it now… true love right there.” I smirk, pushing the button. “Did you know I am allowed?”

Paige’s face turns red as she steps closer to me. “I keep my word, trash. I will kill you.”

The elevator doors open, and Keir and his mother are standing there. His mother’s face is stone as she stares at Paige.

“Mrs. Rossi, it’s so good to see you.”

His mother looks to me, then back at Paige. “Why are you here?”

Keir stares at me, not even blinking, and I feel the burn all the way to my soul. “Sailor…”