“Keir, what are you doing?” she screams.

“Word to the wise, Paige…” I aim the gun at her brother. His eyes are wide with fear, and I hate him. Every time I see him, I think of when I saw Sailor broken and bleeding with his filthy hand on her shoulder. “Don’t ever talk ill of my daughter again, do you understand?” I snarl at her.

Paige looks to her brother before looking back to me.

“That child isn’t a boy,” Paige says, and her brother curses under his breath. “You shouldn’t care.” Her hands come together, and she purses her lips.

I turn to Roberto. “How did Sailor do today?”

He smirks. “She did great.”

“You would follow the lead of a woman?” I ask, but also direct the question to Jimmy and Francis. Roberto nods, Jimmy does as well.

Francis glances at Paige before he answers, “Just not her.” He nods to his cousin.

“Wren is my next heir,” I declare, and Paige screams.

I shoot before I can think about anything else and watch as Paige’s brother falls to the ground. “Seems you keep getting your family killed with that mouth of yours. Soon, you will have no one,” I declare and walk out.


I don’t stop this time, but I can hear her footsteps as she chases me.

“You can’t do this.” Her hands grab the back of my jacket, and she pulls me to turn toward her. “I love you.”

I sigh heavily, completely sick of her shit, and turn around to face her. My hand sneaks up and touches her face. “You are beautiful.” I stroke her face gently. She smiles at me—not even caring that I just shot her brother and that he’s currently dead right now not even twenty feet from her—as they are the words she needs to hear.

How delusional is she?

“But you need help. And the kind of help you need, I cannot give you.”

“She doesn’t love you, not like I do,” she screams.

“And that’s okay because I love her enough for the both of us.” I see it happen right before my eyes, it’s written all over her face. She will do anything to have me, be anyone I need her to be. She would be my perfect wife. But luckily for me, I’m not after perfect. I’m after something that only I can obtain. I’m after a woman whose husband I killed just because I couldn’t bear the thought of killing her.

I should have.

I tell myself this every day.

But I can’t.

No matter what.

“I’ll kill her, Keir. I’ll destroy her.”

“With what family, Paige? You have no one left. All those loyal to you are now dead at my hand, those that you thought are family, are loyal to me. You are of no value to me any longer,” I point out.

“But I am. It’s a boy… I was going to tell you tonight when I came over to surprise you. Your son will be amazing.” Her smile is glowing as she waits for my reaction.



Just like we both are.

Variety Gossip

The King of the Underworld

* * *

The mother of his child and his fiancée.

Can we discuss TENSION?

Oh, yes, you read that right. Our king is a father, and let me tell you, what a hot father he makes. But what is going to happen?

Who is he going to choose?

The mother?

Or the fiancée?

Tell us what you all think.

Chapter Ten


Wren is asleep on Keir’s mother’s chest when I walk in. She spots me and smiles, but when she sees my red eyes, her smile drops.

“I take it my son found you.”

I nod and shut the door behind me, then step closer to them. “How was she?”

My question makes her smile. “A delight. She truly is amazing, so content and giggly. I just can’t get enough. Secretly I always wanted a girl but was glad when I had boys…” she sighs, “… for obvious reasons.”

“Hmmm,” I hum, walking to the fridge and pulling out a large bottle of wine.

“I know you probably think he won’t love her the same as a boy, Sailor.” I turn to face his mother with the wine bottle in my hand as she stands with my daughter cuddled to her chest. “I would have agreed with you if I hadn’t seen how he was with her. And I know my son, Sailor.” Her eyes lock on me. “He loves this little girl very much. So much so, that I don’t think anyone will ever compare.”

She heads to Wren’s room as I look between the glass and the bottle and decide fuck it, then drink straight from the bottle. The front door opens moments later, and Keir walks in, looking like a million fucking dollars. I should throw the bottle at him, but why waste good wine. I know I sure as shit don’t want to, I want to drink the lot maybe even from the bottle. My care factor is at rock bottom right now.