I fall on the bed next to her, my heart racing. Before she can move, I quickly grab a towel and clean her up.

“That was amazing,” I tell her, feathering kisses along her jaw. “You’re gonna be sore.”

“Good. I like feeling where you’ve been.” She waggles her brow with a devilish grin.

“You’re filthy, you know that?” I shake my head with a smile. “But that’s why I married you.”

“So my bubbly personality and bedtime snuggles didn’t seal the deal?”

“Oh, that’s what drew me in, but your naughty words and top-notch blow jobs kept me.”

She rolls her eyes as I toss the dirty towel. “Funny because I remember someone trying really hard not to sleep with me while simultaneously sleeping next to me.”

“Hmm, yeah, I remember that too. Except in my memory, you seduced me, and I was too helpless to stop it.”

“Oh please!” She swats at me, but I quickly grab her wrist and pull her up onto my lap.

“Mm-hmm, I like it when you beg.”

“You think we’ll ever get sick of each other?” she asks as my cock twitches against her leg.

“Not in a million years. Since the first night you slept in my arms, I wanted you close. There was never going back after that.”

Chapter Twenty-One


I can’t believe it’s been two months since Krystal and Dana were taken down and arrested. Last week, they were finally sentenced. Dana took a plea deal and was sentenced to two-hundred hours of community service with the requirement of staying away from me. The rumor mill chewed her up and spit her out, and she couldn’t handle the glares and whispers around town.

It was very obvious she wasn’t welcome at the boutique, and no one else trusted her enough to hire her. After a month of not being able to find a job, she packed up and moved. It’s better that way.

On the other hand, Krystal was sentenced to eight years in prison, mainly because of the documentation Archer kept over the months and Dana’s confession. Krystal had planned to attack Annie and Sadie after she killed Archer. I was last on her list.

I’m just so damn thankful he did what he did and that Liam was able to come through for him.

It took nearly a year, but Archer and I finally feel safe in Lawton Ridge. While I won’t go anywhere without my self-defense keychain, most of my fears have vanished. I love being married to Archer, and we’re excited to start planning for the future.

As I put on the breastplate to my Wonder Woman costume, my phone rings. When I see Tyler’s name flash across the screen, I pick up.

“Hey. I’m almost ready. Tell Gemma to quit stressing.”

He chuckles. “I wasn’t calling about that.”

“No? Something wrong?”

“Not really.” He pauses. “I just got a call. They caught who was responsible for Eric’s murder.”

My breathing increases. “Oh my God. Who?”

A long sigh escapes him. “It’s Mafia-related. Victoria’s dad never got over her loss and somehow linked it back to Eric’s involvement. The hit man was arrested for another crime and confessed.”

The silence draws on, and I’m not sure what to say. I was convinced Natasha did it since she was so distraught over his affair.

Archer stands in the doorway dressed as Captain America. He sees my face and asks me if I’m okay. I nod so he doesn’t worry. After the Krystal drama, we don’t keep anything from each other.

Once I end the call with Tyler, I tell Archer the news.

“Wow,” he says. “I guess his wife knows then?”

I shrug. “I’m sure she does. No telling what she’d have done if she hadn’t been convicted.”

He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. “She was crazy, but I can’t imagine the pain of losing a spouse. Even if Eric didn’t talk about her or if it was arranged, she seemed to care about him a lot. Grief can make people do crazy things.”

“If something happened to you, I’d act the same way,” I admit as he leans forward and steals a kiss.

“Me too, babe. Don’t want to even think about it. Oh, do I have lipstick on my mouth now?” he asks.

“Nah, I could literally get on my knees right now, and this stuff would still be perfect.”

Archer chuckles. “That’s actually kinda hot, and I’d like to test that out. Whatcha say, wifey?”

He steps back, getting a full view of my costume, and smirks.

“Hold on, I need to get my headpiece before you make a judgment.” I run to the bathroom, then position it on my head. Sassy comes chasing behind me, and that’s when I notice she’s wearing a Thor costume. I nearly fall over laughing because it looks like she has human legs.

“Poor baby.” I bend down and pet her. “What has he done to you?”

Archer meets me in the hallway. “You love it.”