Heidi gives me a hug when she notices my emotions bubbling over. “See, everyone wants to see you succeed. Out with the old and in with the new.”

I nod, wiping my cheeks. “Thank you all so much for helping me. Please, if there’s anything you want that’s left, take it.”

I look at the parking lot, and the racks are almost bare, but Lexie and Heidi take me up on my offer. However, Dana doesn’t.

“Well, I better get going, y’all. When will the new schedule be posted?” she asks.

Internally, I want to wave my arm around my store and remind her that it’s not even operational, but I don’t want to take my frustrations out on her, so I swallow the anger down. “I don’t know yet, but I’ll be in touch when I do,” I tell her, and she awkwardly leaves. The tension is thick between us, but I have no idea why.

Lexie and Heidi pack the items they picked out in their cars, then come back over.

“Want help putting the racks back inside?” Lexie asks.

“Sure, we can store them in the front for now,” I say.

Lexie and Heidi help me clean up, then we hug goodbye. Though I’m sad as hell about seeing my shop nearly empty, I head home with a smile on my face that so many people came out and purchased stuff. I was worried that everything would be a total loss, and I wouldn’t be able to recoup my inventory costs, but my customers came through. Though I often talk shit about small-town drama, there are times when I wouldn’t want to live or run my business anywhere else. Today was one of those days.

It’s been two weeks since the renovations started at the shop, and I’m thrilled with the progress. Noah’s company was hired, and he’s promised he’ll go as quickly as possible.

Being able to support Noah’s business is one silver lining I’ve found from this. I know he’s a hard worker and always gives the best quality, so it’s a win-win.

Each morning, Archer and I bang each other’s brains out, then eat breakfast together. He goes to work, and I stay home since I’m selling my new inventory on social media. I’m storing it all in my bedroom so I can still bring in some income, but when the boutique is open again, I’ll move everything there. I haven’t had as much time to focus on online sales until now, and Lexie has been my right-hand woman through it all. Once we transition to the boutique, I’ll probably need to hire someone to keep up with it.

I walk into the living room and see Archer happily playing a game of tug-of-war with Sassy.

“Hot damn,” he says when he eyes me up and down. “Are you a firework display?”

I snort because the Fourth of July one-liners don’t get any cheesier than that. “Am I?” I prompt.

“Yeah baby, you just made my heart explode.”

My head falls back with laughter. “Really workin’ on those dad jokes these days, aren’t ya?”

“I try. Are we taking Sassy with us today?”

“Nah. She hates fireworks and big crowds of people.”

“Of course,” he mutters, then pulls me into his arms and brushes his soft lips against mine.

“We should probably get going,” I tell him, moaning as he slides his tongue inside.

He pouts, biting on my lower lip. “I guess you’re right. I know what will happen if we keep going.”

I smirk. “We wouldn’t make it to the Fourth of July celebration.”

We both chuckle, knowing it’s the truth. After Archer takes Sassy out one more time, we make our way downtown..

“You should have a huge grand reopening when you know the date and make a big deal out of it,” Archer suggests.

“You’re absolutely right! I had planned a Christmas in July sale for this month, but since that won’t happen anymore, a grand reopening sounds even better. Send out flyers, get a huge sign for the front of the shop, hire a local band and get food trucks to come out like when Tyler opened the gym.”

“I bet it’d do really well.”

“Speaking of, do you want to see Noah’s progress?” I ask, and he nods.

I enter, then disable the security alarm. The walls have been freshly painted, and the wooden floor was refinished. The counter is now more of a U-shape, and he even magically made the dressing rooms bigger.

Archer’s eyes go wide. “Wow. It looks like it’s almost done, baby.”

“I know. Noah’s been busting his ass for me. Put a lot of guys on it. I kinda like it better than the original. I’m so excited to reopen.”

He pulls me closer and brushes loose strands of hair from my face. “Sounds like something positive did come out of this after all.”

I squeeze him hard. “I guess so. Still stressful, but as you’ve said, the comeback will be better.”