“Don’t worry about her,” I offer, knowing how evil the woman can be.

She lowers her voice. “Oh, I’m not. Pretty sure she won’t be happy until I give her a grandchild.”

“Babies don’t fix problems,” Katie interjects with truth in her voice. Truth that she knows from personal experience.

“Thanks, y’all.” Lexie leans in. “So, how’s the dating life going?”

Archer grins. “Great. I’m a five-star catch.”

“And I’m the best lay he’s ever had,” I add.

Lexie bursts out laughing. “Sounds like a match-made in heaven.”

Archer leans into my ear. “You really are,” he admits with a wink.

“Do I hear wedding bells?” Noah offers.

“Your own,” I retort.

“Aunt Everleigh, I’ll marry you.” Owen runs over, carrying a huge slice of strawberry cake.

“Aw, sweetie. Well, I’ll tell ya what. If in fifteen years, if I don’t have a ring on my finger yet, then it’s an automatic yes. But trust me when I say you’re gonna find someone closer to your age before that happens.”

“Don’t give me a heart attack.” Katie holds her hand over her heart. “Owen, you’re not allowed to date ever.”

“I already am, Mom.”

Her eyes nearly bug out of her head. “Since when? You’re eleven!”

“Two weeks ago. Dad knows.” Owen throws Noah under the bus without a second thought, and we all laugh.

A few of the older women who come into the shop notice how I am around Archer, and I know it’s only a matter of time before it spreads all over town.

Scarlett begins crying and Tyler stands to grab her from Jerry. “She might’ve pooped,” Jerry whispers, and Tyler chuckles.

Tyler makes a face. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

“Do you want me to take care of it?” Gemma asks.

“Nah, I got it, babe. Finish your food.”

When he’s out of sight, Gemma leans in. “Sometimes, he still gags. It’s hilarious because, at this point, I’m completely immune.”

“Looking forward to my superhero skill of smelling shit and not throwing up,” I say with a laugh.

“You heard it from the lady herself, Archer. The rest is up to you,” Katie says, and Noah chuckles.

My cheeks heat as Archer squeezes my thigh again.

He smirks. “Might be able to make that happen.”

“Oh my God. If it were up to all of you, I’d be pregnant before the end of the year,” I exclaim.

“Would that be a bad thing?” Archer asks, and I contemplate his question.

“You’re pregnant?” Tyler exclaims when he returns, holding a freshly changed Scarlett. Belinda swipes her from his arms.

“No!” I blurt out. “That’s how rumors get started!” I look around the room, making sure everyone in here heard my answer, and repeat myself again. Though it might still spread around, it’s a rumor I wouldn’t mind. Archer would make a great dad, and if there was anyone I’d like to eventually have kids with, it’d no doubt be him.

The subject is changed, and Archer leans in and whispers in my ear, “You’re blushing.”

I grin and lick my lips. “And it’s all because of you.”

Monday morning comes quickly, and I couldn’t be happier to be at work. Sure, sometimes it’s so busy I don’t have time to think, but I love it. If I’ve learned anything while being on bedrest, it’s how much I enjoy my job. Not being able to be at the boutique was pure torture.

After I open the shop, customers flood in as usual. There are only a few more months left until summer arrives, and it’s already starting to get hotter outside. Right now, the store is still covered in pastel-colored clothes, but in a few weeks, it will be full of colorful neons.

Before lunch, we get a quick break, and it gives me a chance to chat with Dana. It’s been a while since just the two of us have worked together.

We start folding a pile of crumpled shirts, and I take the opportunity to ask questions. “How have you been lately?”

“I’ve been doing great. Reading a lot. Hanging out with my new roommate.”

“Oh, you found someone to finally move in?”

She smiles, but it doesn’t quite meet her eyes. “Yeah, it was by luck, honestly.”

“I bet you’re relieved. I know you’ve been looking for someone for a few months.”

“I was. She was in the area looking for a place to stay and ran into me. Sometimes, it’s like the universe puts people in your life for a reason, ya know?”

I nod, then walk over to a rack and re-clip some pants that were hanging haphazardly. Though we’re chatting, there’s a weird vibe in the room that I can’t seem to place. It’s been like this ever since the night of Archer’s party at the bar, but it could also be my anxiety.

Since the accident, I’ve been suspicious of everything and everyone.

Granted, I shouldn’t have embarrassed her the way I did. Between the alcohol and my jealousy, I should apologize, but it happened so long ago that I wonder if it’s worth it. So I awkwardly keep it inside and try to keep the conversation going.