Tyler throws punches until I land on the floor. I hold up my arms to block him until he tires out, but I underestimated his stamina. He’s on top of me, swinging with a vengeance, and though he has every right to be pissed, I won’t take this lying down.

I drive my knee up and curl my body to the side, taking him with me. As soon as he’s down, I jump to my feet. Tyler quickly stands, not giving me much time to catch my breath.

“If you hurt her…” he begins, his expression serious. “I won’t be using gloves next time.”

Before I can respond, he kicks out his leg, and I fall.

“Argh,” I groan as soon as my back slams onto the floor. He’s not fighting fair, and he knows it.

Tyler stands over me with a cocky smirk, amusement written all over his face.

“What?” I croak out, waiting for his next illegal move. I wouldn’t be surprised if he kneed me in the nuts.

He shakes his head. “I already knew, you dumbass.”

Tyler holds out his hand, nodding for me to take it. When I do, he helps me to my feet. As I fight to catch my breath, Tyler’s expression changes from angry to humored.

“What do you mean you knew?” I pull off my gloves.

He snorts. “You two are so fucking obvious, c’mon. I’m not that dense. The way you look at each other and how protective you are of her—which is one reason I didn’t confront you sooner—and how happy she’s been. I’ve known for a while but was just waitin’ for you to man up and tell me yourself.”

I blink in shock because I thought we were careful, but I guess not. Tyler knows us both so well, I should’ve known he’d figure it out.

“So, you’re not mad?”

“Well, not as much as I should be,” he confirms. “I’m pissed neither of you listened to my warnings, but ultimately you’re grown and can make your own choices. Just know they come with consequences if you break her heart.”

“Alright, fair enough.” I grin, relief washing over me.

Tyler slaps me on the back. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you won her over.”

“More like, she won me over…I tried just being friends, but our feelings and attraction became too strong to ignore.”

“Yeah, I don’t need the details, okay? The less I know, the better. As long as y’all are happy, then I’m cool.”

I laugh, patting his shoulder. “Got it, thanks.”

After my shift ends, I walk home and am greeted by Everleigh. Before I say a word, I go to her in the kitchen and cup her face, crashing my lips to hers.

“Now that’s the hello I expect when you come home every day,” she says when we finally come up for air.

“I missed you.” I press a kiss to her nose. “I told Tyler today.”

Her eyes widen. “You did? Oh my God, is that why you look like you got your ass beat?”

“Hey, I let him hit me,” I tell her as I grab a drink from the fridge.

She snort-laughs. “So, how’d he take it? Should I be expecting him to barge in at any moment?”

“After punching me in the face and kicking my legs out from under me, he admitted he already knew. Threatened if I broke your heart, he’d make sure I was in real pain. Then said he was happy for us.”

Everleigh laughs, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I’m relieved it’s out there. Now we can go on our deli date and be together in public. Oh, and go to Jerry and Belinda’s reception as a couple.”

“Mmm…sounds like a good time.” I spin around and hold her to my chest. “Guess I better cancel my plus-one for that.”

She pulls back slightly, furrowing her brows. “Excuse me? What?”

“Well, we never said we were exclusive. Figured it’d keep people off our track if I brought someone else to the party.”

My tone is serious though I’m about to burst at the evil eye she flashes me. Seconds later, I crack into a full-on laugh.

“Do you have a death wish, Archer Boone?” She pushes me, but I quickly grab her wrist and pull her back to me.

“Sometimes, you’re just too easy to mess with.”

“Do it again, and I’ll give Tyler permission to really beat your ass.” She pokes me hard in the stomach. “And for your information, we are definitely exclusive. I don’t care what you say.”

Chuckling, I shake my head in amusement. “Baby, I’ve been exclusively yours since the moment we met. I don’t tell just anyone that I love them.” I tuck loose strands of her hair behind her ear and bring my mouth closer. “If anyone tried touching you the way I do, I wouldn’t think twice about going back to prison for ending them. Just remember that the next time you try to make me jealous.”