“Is this all just because you broke up with her?” I ask.

He clenches his jaw. “I never had to break up with her, because we didn’t date. Rita was never my girlfriend.”

“So you’ve just been sleeping with her then?” I ask.

He shakes his head emphatically. “Not in months. We hooked up once, months ago. She’d just moved back to town and I didn’t know she lived here before. Honestly, I didn’t give a shit about her, and it wasn’t like she cared about me either. It was sex. The end. I had no clue how that one shitty decision would fuck me over,” he explains, his voice tight with resentment.

“I realized I was in over my head once she turned up at the precinct and Felicity said something about her being back,” he continues. “After that, I avoided the bitch like she was a telemarketer. She tried for Felicity’s job, but I held firm and just said no. I should’ve known she was fixing to lose it because she didn’t get her own way. When she showed up at Ted’s and started spouting her lies in front of you—including her saying I’d had sex with her the week before, I almost blew my top in front of everyone in that room. She disgusts me on every level and nothing will change that. In fact, after what you’ve told me, I hate her more than ever. She can do what she wants to me, but you’re off limits. Period.”

I shouldn’t be sitting here thinking about how hot that declaration is, but wowza. I kind of can’t help it. I have to look away for a minute to gather my wits about me. When I look back, he’s watching me like a hawk.

Licking my lips nervously, I ask, “What now?”

“What now is that I’m going to call Ben. Then I’m going to drive you home and go pick him up so he can be a witness when I confront the crazy bitch about her lies and her bullshit. Once I’m done with that, I’m telling her the next time she calls the precinct for anything that isn’t business, I’m filing a restraining order. And if she says anything to you or about you, she’s in for a world of trouble. It’s enough already.”

“You’re going to do that now?” I ask, surprised he isn’t going to wait until at least tomorrow.

He looks at me like he can’t believe I even asked the question. “Babe, she fucked with you. That’s the line for me.”

I swallow nervously, wondering how to take that. “I…. It is?”

“Yeah, it sure as fuck is,” he answers emphatically. “Once I lock her shit down, you and I are going to get right with each other real fast. But first, ensuring you don’t get anymore calls like that from her is the priority.”

“Oh. Well. Okay.”

He shakes his head as he stands. “Can’t believe you doubted I’d come down on your side. I’d choose you over her all day every day, any time, any place. We’re gonna work on that, babe.”

Before I can respond, he turns and walks away to call Ben, leaving me to wonder why it feels like he just made an important declaration about his intentions.




“JUST TO BE clear, if she gets physical, I’m putting her stupid ass in cuffs,” Ben says, his tone serious.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” I mutter as I turn into the driveway of Rita’s place. “I want her to lose it, but not enough that we have to take her in. She’s not worth the fucking hassle or the paperwork.”

“From everything I’ve heard about her, I’m thinking she’s not wrapped too tight.”

I nod. “Now that I know what she’s been saying to Ashley, I don’t think she’s wrapped at all.”

“Let’s get this shit over with.” Lifting his chin, he gestures to the quadplex in front of us.

“Hit record on your phone and let’s go.” I do the same before sliding my phone back into my pocket. I’m not taking any chances—we both need to have a record of this. After Ben’s ready, we get out of my truck and head to Rita’s door. I knock like a cop, not bothering with the doorbell. I’m not fucking around, and she needs to know that right away. I’m already tense, but I become even more so when I hear her shuffling to the door.

Opening it, she smiles. “Aw, lover, you brought a friend,” she says in a sickening baby-talk voice. As she talks, she trails her finger down from her neck to the spot where her low-cut tank top starts. “I’ve always wanted to take on two big, strapping officers of the law. How fortuitous that I got waxed from the middle on down just yesterday.”

Goddamn. How fucking dumb am I that I had sex with this nightmare? I’m embarrassed for me and for my dick, because it’s damn obvious that neither the big nor the little head were working at top speed when I made that decision.