I shake my head. “Um, no.”

“It’s like this. We started the night with four hot guys at this table. The odds were against us, because the ratio was off. It was inevitable that anyone who would come over to say hi would be a dud. That’s why Scooter showed up. It’s all about balance.”

“You gotta stop that shit,” Reese calls from across the table. “When you go on and on about how hot I am, it makes me feel like a piece of meat.”

“Not me,” Will says as he reappears at the table and pulls out a seat. “You can call me hot all day, every day and I’ll never complain.”

Jana groans. “You’re so gross.”

He cocks a brow. “Kinda hard to believe I’m gross after you just said how hot I am.”

I laugh and take a sip of my beer. At least there have been a lot of good things tonight. I feel like I’m making friends and fitting in, and this group of people is funny as hell. Reese might treat me like one would a package from an unknown sender, but I think he’ll come around. He’s nice to Jana, and he was even nice to Meghan up at the bar. He probably just needs to warm up.

As for Tyler, it’s probably a really good thing he’s now one hundred percent off-limits to me for all eternity. Everyone knows that crushing on your boss is a bad idea. I dodged a bullet.

Maybe someday, I’ll believe that.


WE ALL CALL it a night three games of darts and two hours later. Crossing my arms over my chest, I rub my arms for warmth as Tyler and I walk from the bar to his truck.

“You should’ve let me pull up for you,” he says gruffly.

“It’s fine,” I assure him, “just a little brisk. I need to get my body used to the difference between Los Angeles and island weather. Every day, I get a little bit better.”

“Don’t catch a chill just because you’re stubborn.”

“I won’t.”

When we get next to the truck, he pulls out his key fob and presses the button to unlock it. I swallow nervously and avoid making eye contact with him. I’ve been dreading this moment the entire walk from the bar. My gaze is on his hand when he hits another button on his key fob. There’s a very subtle sound coming from the truck. Looking down, I realize the sound is the whirring of a running board dropping down from where it’s tucked beneath the truck.

What the hell? This isn’t something that was just installed. If Tyler had clicked that button back at my house or when we arrived here tonight, he wouldn’t have had to help me up and into the cab. I look up at him, eyes wide. “You didn’t do that earlier.”

He shrugs and looks down at the ground. “No, I didn’t.”

He turns and walks away without another word. When he gets into the truck, I don’t make conversation. The ride home is brief and blessedly silent. When we arrive, he parks and comes around to open the door. After the running board drops into place, I step out. I’ve been planning what I wanted to say the entire way here, so I feel confident I’ve got this.

“Thanks for driving me,” I say, my voice cheerful. “I loved meeting everyone. It was fun.”

“Any time,” he replies, his voice low.

He looks frustrated and unhappy, but since it involves Rita, I won’t ask. The issues he has with and about her are none of my business. I need to get my big girl panties on and spend some time with the manifestation app so I can get myself back into a positive frame of mind.

“See you Monday,” I say. I smile in what I hope comes off in a breezy, happy-as-a-clam way as I turn and begin the walk to my front door.

“Yeah. See you then,” he murmurs.

I nod but don’t look back.




ONE WRONG DECISION can fuck up your entire world. Things were good, and then bam, I made an off-the-cuff decision that fucked everything up. I’m paying for that choice now, with interest. Letting out a loud “Fuck,” I pull into my driveway and park my truck.

I knew from minute one of meeting her that Ashley is special. That feeling’s only grown stronger as the days have passed. I looked forward to tonight for the entire week, and because of goddamn psycho Rita, I’m up shit’s creek without a paddle. The heat between Ashley and me went from a ten-plus down to a frigid one the second Rita opened her mouth and started spouting all that bullshit.

The heat didn’t go down on my end, obviously. I still want Ashley. I’m not blind though. I saw the change as it took place, saw the way she shut down so fast I’m surprised there wasn’t smoke. She didn’t just pump the brakes; she slammed on them and did a one-eighty.