“I think we should make a plan for this week,” he announced. “What day did you book into the spa?”

“Wednesday from nine in the morning to around three o’clock.”

His hands rubbed softly up and down my back as he smiled down at me. “So we’re free to do whatever we want the rest of the time?”

“Yep. We can have dinner every night after you’ve finished work.”

I hated the idea of not seeing him for so many hours a day. He’d told me the day before he tended to leave work after eight. I was normally getting into bed around that time. I worried about how we would be able to combine our schedules.

He shook his head. “That’s just not going to work, Sweetheart.”

My heart dropped. What kind of relationship were we going to have if we only saw each other on weekends?

I dropped my chin and bit my lip. “So we won’t see each other until Friday night?”

Ryan shook his head as he put two fingers under my chin and tilted it back.

“I’d never survive that long without you. When I said it wasn’t going to work, I meant seeing each other for dinner isn’t enough time. Since you’re on vacation this week, so am I. I already emailed my partner and my assistant and told them I'd be out. That means we have this whole week to ourselves. So if there’s anything you want to do, let me know. I’ve got nothing but time for you, sweetheart.”

My lower lip quivered as I stared up at him with tear-filled eyes.

“You did that for me?”

Cupping either side of my face, he smiled. “You’ll learn there’s nothing I won’t do for you, Julia.”

* * *

Dinner at his sister's house was a blast. Emmett was super excited to see me again, and his sisters, Rosalie and Alice, were a hoot. They oohed and aahed over my cupcakes, and then asked if they could visit me at work so they could see what working in a bakery was like.

Jamie was as sweet as Ryan had said she would be. When he introduced me to her, she burst into tears and pulled me in for a hug. I laughed because I could feel her baby kicking as her stomach rested against mine.

“You’re the answer to so many prayers,” she cried.

Her husband Harrison was a delight as well. Funny and charming, he went out of his way to welcome me to their family. We all wound up in the kitchen to help with dinner so Jamie wouldn’t “over exert” herself, something her husband and Ryan were very serious about. For all intents and purposes, they prepared the entire meal while Jamie and I sat at the counter and talked. My sum contribution was slicing the French bread while Jamie took out the grated cheese to put on the spaghetti. Harrison took the kids to set the table, and Jamie followed along after them, issuing instructions.

Ryan took the opportunity to give me a quick kiss, one that left me wanting more.

“I told you my family would love you. Now we just have to worry about me meeting your dad. What if he hates me and shows up with a shotgun demanding I leave his daughter alone?”

I laughed and elbowed him in the stomach. “Oh, hush. My dad will surprise you,” I assured him. “He raised me to go with my gut and trust my instincts. The very fact that I feel so strongly about you will earn you his favor before he ever says a word to you.”


It was sweet that he was worried.

“Absolutely,” I murmured. “Trust me on this.”

He pulled me in close and hugged me. “That’s good since you might be growing a little version of us in there even as we speak. If you aren’t yet, you will be soon. I’ve got more than enough to keep you full of me for years to come.”

My nipples pebbled as I shivered. Why was that so hot?

“Mm,” he growled, “I love the way that turns you on. Just wait until I get you home.”

I smiled as I relaxed against him. We’d decided to spend the night at my house, followed by two nights at his. On the drive to dinner, Ryan had point blank asked what the terms of my lease were. When I told him I’d been living in my apartment for so many years that I was on a month-to-month lease, he lit up.

“You’ll be out of there in no time,” he said confidently.



I woke up with a groan, my heart already racing. This was because my woman was bobbing up and down on my cock. My low sex drive was a thing of the past. It was quite clear all I’d ever needed was Julia. With her, I was perpetually hard and always ready to go. We’d been living together for two weeks, and each day was better than the one before. I loved everything about her.