He’s gentle with me so as not to jostle my ankle as he uses one of his pillows to elevate my foot before he comes around to the other side of the bed and sits down with his back against the headboard. Picking up the remote from the bedside table he turns the television on before handing it off to me.
“You choose. Whatever you’re in the mood for is good with me,” he says.
I raise a brow at him as I accept the control. “You sure about this?” I ask in a teasing tone. “We both know I’m going to take you right from a Sports Center rerun to Nick at Nite.”
“S’all good,” he chuckles as I turn the TV on and do exactly what I said I would. The Fresh Prince is on, which is one of my favorites. I settle into Colin’s side with a smile, enjoying the fact that his bed is a queen size. This means there’s really no room for us to be separated. I can’t contain my giant ass grin when he lifts his arm and wraps it around my shoulders, bringing me in closer to him. I don’t think I’ve ever been this comfortable in my life.
Elena-Nine Weeks Ago
I feel like I'm in a daze as Colin pulls the car up to the curb and jumps out to get me from the bench I'm on just outside of the offices where Nanny and Pop's will was just read. He's tried to carry me around all day, but for the most part, all I need is an assist to get around. The swelling on my ankle was about eighty percent gone this morning, which is good. Right now I'm so gob-smacked that I'm a little tempted to ask him to carry me over to the car. I won't, but the desire is there.
He watches me carefully as he covers the distance from the car to me. He's been monitoring me closely ever since the reading of the will. Right now I can't say I blame him. I use him for support as I stand, letting out a deep breath as we begin the short walk to his car. After helping me into the passenger seat and buckling me in, Colin shuts my door and walks around the car. Sliding into the driver's seat, he looks over at me.
“You okay?”
“I don’t really know,” I say softly. “I never, ever expected them to leave me anything at all, much less half of the house.”
“They loved you,” he says, “and that house is your home. You love it as much as they did—as much as I do. I have no doubt that’s why they left it to both of us.”
I nod as I bite my lip and look away. I’m touched and emotional about the whole thing, but I’m also scared to death.
“What’s upsetting you about this, Little Bird?” he asks, his voice full of concern.
Focusing on the dashboard, I reach out and brush away a speck of dust.
“Do you think your parents will be angry when you tell them what the will said?” I blurt, finally giving voice to what’s stressing me out.
“What?” he asks in a tone of complete surprise. “No, Leni. Absolutely not.”
Reaching out he softly grips my chin and turns me to face him. "They already know, honey. My dad is the one who told me what to expect, and they aren't angry at all. It makes sense to them, too. Dad already has a house of his own. He and my mom got all of the cash assets my grandparents left behind. Things worked out the way Nanny and Pop wanted, and there's nothing wrong with that at all."
I breathe out a long, relieved breath as I lean back against the headrest. "You have no idea what a relief that is. Losing any of you—"
“Never,” he vows. “I really wish you wouldn’t worry about this, Little Bird. None of us are going anywhere.”
Words seem so inadequate right now. All I can think to say is, “Thank you.”
Reaching out, Colin takes my hand in his and laces our fingers together. I do my best to keep any surprise from my face as he brings our hands to his lips and kisses the back of mine. “There’s nothing to thank me for,” he says quietly. “I need you just as much as you need me, Leni. Don’t ever forget that.”
I hate to admit that in a lot of relationships in my life it's always been hard for me to truly let go and trust in actual permanence. Granted my dad is in my life now, but he wasn't super-reliable during the first years after the divorce. I view his commitment to me as something he feels he has to do as opposed to something he wants to do. But with Colin, I have faith. If he says he’ll be there, he will be.