To get myself under control, I look away from her, then swallow back a groan when my gaze drops to the floor, and I see black silk stockings and a sexy black bra there. I'm so hard right now I can barely fucking think straight, and my dick is all but chanting her name. If I weren't wearing fitted boxer briefs under my black sweatpants, my cock would be tenting out like Pinocchio’s nose. The impulse to wake this sleeping beauty up with a kiss is almost impossibly strong.

Closing my eyes, I fist my hands and breathe deeply, nearly losing what little resistance I have as her delicate apricot and honey scent permeates my senses—the same smell that almost had me breaking down and fucking her on the kitchen floor just a few hours ago. I breathe through my mouth and start counting backward from one hundred. By the time I get to eighty-two, I'm in a better place. Cracking my eyes open just enough to be able to see, I quickly grab the blanket and position it over her so she's covered and then tuck it around her. Stepping back, I clear my throat and watch her for a reaction. Nothing. I shake my head in wonder at just how out she is and then reach out to nudge on her shoulder.

“Time to wake up, Little Bird.”

The little moan she lets out blows my control to smithereens, and it only gets worse when she licks her lips. I can't decide if the universe is trying to reward or torture me right now. She mumbles unintelligibly when I shake her shoulder again. When she cracks open her eyes and smiles dreamily, I forget to breathe for a second or two.

"Mmm, Colin," she says, her voice husky with sleep.

I damn near fall to the fucking floor. Yeah. This isn’t a reward. I’m officially being tortured.

"You have to get up, baby," I croak in a voice that sounds like I just spent fifteen hours in the desert without water. And fuck my life, I just called her baby out loud. I normally save that shit for when I imagine pumping into her tight little cunt. The thin cracks in my resistance are quickly becoming a fucking chasm.

She blinks a few times and yawns sweetly as she goes to sit up. My hand shoots out lightning fast and settles on her shoulder to keep her in place. As soon as I touch her, her eyes go wide. Ah. Now she’s awake.

“Pretty sure you’re naked under there,” I say before I take my hand away.

“I—what? How do you know?”

The expression of confusion on her face shouldn’t be sexy, but it is. I shrug as though I’m unaffected as I very fucking reluctantly take two steps back. “I don't know for sure, but your clothes are on the floor, so…” I trail off, letting the implication hang in the air.

“Oh,” she murmurs. “Oops.”

I swallow thickly as I look away, doing my best not to focus on how badly I want to fuck her through the mattress. "I came in to make sure you were okay," I explain. "I haven't seen you in three hours, and you weren't answering your cell or your bedroom door.”

She blushes and bites her lip, a visual I immediately file in my spank bank. "Wow," she says in a breathless sounding voice. "I passed out."

“It’s understandable since on a normal day you could sleep anywhere. Today was far more emotionally exhausting than normal. I fell asleep after my shower for about an hour.”

I don't mention that in addition to being emotionally wiped out I'd also been wholly spent after I jerked off and came twice in the shower in response to holding her in my arms earlier. The feel of those sweet little tits pressed against my chest was like a hit of pure lust. Thinking of the way she felt in my arms isn’t helping me calm down. I know that if I don't get the hell out of this room immediately, I'm going to need to take care of business again. It's a wonder my palms aren't callused and my dick isn't chafing at this point.

“I’m going to go heat up dinner for us so that we can eat something before we go to Benny’s to meet Lolo and Sam.”

“Ah,” she says with a smile. “Thank you for waking me. I’d have been really upset if I slept through SamLo time. I’ll be down in a few.”

I nod as I take another step back. “Any particular requests from the leftovers?”

She considers for a few seconds. “A piece of barbeque chicken, a cup of Spanish rice and some of the Caesar salad, dressing on the side.”

“No macaroni and cheese?”

Elena loves macaroni and cheese, and Lolo made the world’s best for the funeral luncheon.