“They’re here,” my mom called out from her post at my front window.

I’d expected to be nervous, but instead I was calm and centered like I’d been waiting my entire life for what was about to happen. Probably because I had been.

My entire focus went to the door to my apartment as I waited for Chloe to enter. When it swung open, I dropped down on one knee. Her mouth dropped as she came to an abrupt stop, her eyes wide as she looked at me. I was centered by the certainty in her eyes. We both wanted what was about to happen, and I knew what her answer would be.

“Chloe Annabelle Holland, other half of my devoted heart, will you marry me?”

She was nodding before I’d even finished the question. “Yes! Of course yes. So much yes,” she blubbered, tears rolling down her beautiful cheeks.

The room was full of applause from our family and friends as I slid a heart-shaped diamond ring onto her slim finger. We heard a similar sound four months later when we were married at the Bliss County Church.

* * *


Two years later

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

I let out a dramatic sigh as I set the small detailing brush I’d been holding down on my tray. I’d only just started outlining with paint, so it wasn’t like I was working up a sweat.

“I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m painting a mural,” I said in a teasing tone.

“You shouldn’t be exerting yourself, baby. I’ll do it.”

I shook my head as I walked into my husband’s arms. “I’m not handicapped, Jax. I’m seven months pregnant and healthy as a horse. Also, I love you more than anything in the world, but at last check your artistic ability was nil. I want our daughter’s nursery scene to be perfect and the brush hardly weighs anything. You worry too much.”

He really did, but I adored his overprotective alpha ways. “Can you at least wait until I’m here to watch?” he asked on a sigh.

I chuckled against his chest. “Yes, honey, I’ll wait. What do you think of it so far?”

He was silent for a moment as he looked at the scene I'd sketched out throughout the day.

I smiled when he sucked in a breath of surprise as he took it all in and realized what he was looking at. “Holy shit, baby. It’s so detailed I feel like I’m at the carnival. I notice you got Aria’s crystal ball in there.”

I nodded as I turned in his arms and pointed to what was next to the crystal ball. “Not only did I get the ball, I got our card. That’s going to be the wheel of fortune card.”

“How lucky am I to have you?” he murmured as he turned me in his arms.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I think it’s the other way around,” I admitted.

I meant it. He was the most amazing partner ever. If I’d known I’d be as happy as I was with him, I’d have accepted his first marriage proposal—way back when we were in first grade.

The End

Out of Formation



My backpack is in the process of sliding down my arm when Becky Hillstrom—of the acclaimed Virginia Hillstroms, she frequently brags— starts one of her infamous inquisitions. Her firing off questions is in no way surprising since we jokingly refer to her as The Interviewer because she never stops.

“How was your uniform fitting? Did you get that body butter I told you about with the shimmer, the one that doesn’t smell like alcohol? And last but not least, tell me you took the time to read Julia's email.”

I nod as I set my bag on the floor and slide into my seat.

“Which one is a yes?” she asks.

I let out a little laugh as I unzip my bag to pull out my iPad, a notebook, and a pen, all of which I set out on the desk.

“Most of the above,” I answer. “The fitting went well—no gains since last year, which means I didn’t get any crap from Mandy. The body butter is as good as you said it would be, I’m so excited I finally found one that complements my apricot and honey body wash. As far as Julia’s email goes, I got it on my way here but didn’t even have time to skim it. Feel like breaking it down for me or should I start reading?”

The way Becky’s face lights up tells me that whatever the email says, it’s exciting and she cannot wait to fill me in. Her expression suggests it’s either significant team news or unbelievably juicy gossip.

When she dramatically leans closer to my desk, I’m sure there’s gossip involved. “I freaking knew you wouldn't have read it! Honey, prepare yourself because I am about to give you some knowledge.”