I nodded and did as she instructed. Pulling out of my parking lot I turned and asked, “Why the high school?”

“Don’t be a dick and start laughing,” she ordered.

“You know saying that guarantees we’re going to laugh?” Alec joked from the back seat.

Chloe turned and gave Alec the finger. “I wouldn’t if I were you. My appointment is with Madam Aria and I won’t hesitate to ask her to cast some kind of spell on you.”

I was so surprised by who her appointment was with that I took my foot off the gas and turned to her in shock.

“I’m taking you to see Aria?”

She shrugged like it was no big deal. “It’s the end-of-year carnival so that’s where she’s seeing people this weekend. I promised her months ago that I’d come see her as soon as I got home. She was the one who gave me a specific time.”

If Aria wanted Chloe there at eight, I’d have her there at eight. Putting my foot back on the gas, I sped up so we could get to our destination quicker.



I’d been to so many carnivals at the high school that I swear in a pinch I could set it up myself. I smiled as I basked in the scents of caramel corn, funnel cake, and cotton candy wafting through the warm summer air. If there were a carnival-scented candle, I’d burn it all the time.

Caroline and Alec immediately split off and went to play some of the carnival games. I thought Jax would go with them, but instead he stayed with me. After so many years of petty arguments (both of us), outlandish pranks (him), and over-the-top tantrums (mine), it would’ve made perfect sense for there to be tension or discomfort between us, but that wasn’t the case at all. For whatever reason, I felt more comfortable and in tune with him than I ever had with anyone.

My steps faltered as we rounded the corner to Aria’s tent and I saw that she was standing there holding the flap to the tent as if she’d known precisely when to expect me.

Her eyes lit up with satisfaction when she saw Jax and me. “Right on schedule,” she said, as if she were proud of me.

After saying hello to Aria, Jackson gestured toward the series of plastic benches that were about thirty feet from Aria’s tent. “I’m going to go wait there and leave you two to it,” he said.

“You’ll do no such thing,” Aria snorted. “I was expecting you, Jackson. Both of you are needed.”

“We are?” Jackson asked. His expression spoke his confusion.

“Yes,” Aria answered firmly. “Now come inside so we can get started.”

Jax and I immediately responded to the demanding tone of Aria’s voice, dutifully moving forward to follow along behind her. We exchanged a glance of confusion along the way, but no words were spoken.

The scent of citrus and clove tickled my nose as the flap of the tent closed behind us. The interior was the same as ever, the focal point of the space being a round table covered in silk scarves. Aria’s purple crystal ball sat to the side, while a well-loved set of tarot cards sat in the center.

One side of the table had a single elaborate wood seat with intricate carved detailing on the back and an indigo-colored silk pillow on the seat. On the side there were two plain wooden chairs. Aria flicked her wrist toward them to indicate that we should sit. Jax held one out and waited for me to sit down before he did. All the while my head spun as I wondered why Aria wanted to see us together.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she announced once we were all seated.

“You do?” I squeaked.

“Don’t panic—I don’t mean the exact thoughts. I’m merely saying it’s obvious that you’re both wondering why I said I was expecting you both here just now.”

I let out a soft giggle. “That’s a good guess.”

“It wasn’t random that I told you to be here at this time. Weeks ago my ball showed me that you two would come together at this specific time. I knew it was time for you to know everything, Chloe, and I wanted Jackson to be here so you wouldn’t be able to tell yourself that it’s not possible. Your feelings are real.”

“Real?” I parroted.

Aria nodded but didn’t expound on her statement. I definitely felt something, but I couldn’t imagine telling Jax that. At least not yet. Surely there was a better time than my first night back in town for me to confess my feelings for him.

“Even when you fought it, Chloe, the connection between the two of you has always been strong. That said, your souls want that connection to deepen. Being apart has only stoked that need. Now that you’re back in the same town, things are going to escalate rather quickly. Jackson has known for many years what you two are, so he’s ready. It’s time for you to understand everything in order to be on the same page with him.”