I was out of my car and at the door of hers before she was unbuckled. She laughed softly as she unlocked the door so that I could open it for her. “In a hurry?” she asked cheekily.

I shrugged and tried to come off cool. “Your appointment is at eight and it’s twenty after seven. Just want to make sure you’re not late.”

She grinned and gestured toward her house with her chin. “If you say hi to my dad while I change real quick we can be out of here in about five minutes.”

Once she led the way into her house and she called out to say hi to her dad, we separated. I found Uncle Leo was in his office sitting at his desk and doing something on his computer.

I chuckled when he looked up at me in clear astonishment as I leaned against the doorjamb. “No date tonight?” I asked. Leo had dated a few women here and there over the years but with his priority being Chloe he’d never looked for anything serious. He’d been more open about it for the last few years but since he hadn’t had any luck meeting someone without help, he’d signed up with an online dating service.

“Never mind my dating life,” he chortled, “let’s talk about the fact that you’re here with Chloe and it’s not because there’s a family event taking place. Am I even awake right now?”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re awake, Uncle Leo. We ran into each other at Olive Garden and decided to hang out for the night. We’re meeting Caroline and Alec back at my apartment complex and then we’ll probably head to the Bliss Grill to play pool.”

“And things are… calm?”

“Things are good. I don’t know why you’re so surprised since I’ve been telling you for years that someday we’d work everything out.”

Even though I’d said it dozens of times to Leo and to my parents, I’d said it to myself at least a million. Through every argument and temper tantrum, I’d kept the faith in what Madam Aria had seen in that crystal ball. Was that crazy as hell? Of course it was. But where Chloe was concerned, I did whatever I had to do to keep the faith. Back before Aria had made her predictions, I’d always hoped the day would come that Chloe would look at me without hostility.

“Well your father has been telling me he’s going to win the lottery since we were ten years old and that hasn’t happened yet. You know me, kid. I don’t believe anything until I see it with my own two eyes.”

“See what with your own two eyes?” Chloe asked.

I bit back a curse when she brushed against my side as she bounded past me into Leo’s office.

“You and Jax getting along.”

Chloe made a dismissive noise as she crossed the room and dropped a kiss on Leo’s cheek. She’d changed into a black tank top, white jean shorts, a well-loved pair of black Chucks, and had also put her hair up in a messy bun. I swallowed back a groan as she turned back to me and I took in how damn sexy she looked. It didn’t matter what she wore, either. Had she changed into a chaste dress, she still would have been my walking wet dream.

“Sorry to drop and run but we can’t stay,” she said as she hurried back to where I stood at the door. “I’m leaving my car here because Jax is driving but I’ll be back later.”

Uncle Leo’s eyes ping-ponged between us like he could hardly believe what he was seeing. I was one hundred percent positive he’d be on the phone with my parents before my car pulled out of the driveway.

After saying quick goodbyes, we headed off. Once we were in the driveway I opened the car door for Chloe to get into my passenger seat before I walked around and got into the driver’s seat.

“Nice whip,” she teased.

Turning, I gave her a wry look. “Are you talking shit about the Volvo?”

Her giggle made my heartbeat speed up. Holding her thumb and index finger so that they were barely parted, she grinned. “I’m just saying that it’s crazy that not only have you kept your grandma’s gold station wagon for six years, you’ve also left her furry scented dice hanging from the mirror.”

“They don’t have that weird tropical smell anymore. Plus, she says the dice bring good car luck.”

Chloe didn’t respond for several seconds, and I felt tension building. “Getting lucky in the car is a big thing for you?” she asked in a stiff-sounding voice.

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Unless Grandma Birdie was getting frisky in the car with her gentleman callers before she gave it to me, it’s never seen any action. Good car luck means no accidents, Chloe.”