Her eyebrows shot up as she gaped at me. “What? Where?”

“Right here,” I laughed. “You know, they’re right when they say it happens when you least expect it.”

I went on to explain about Ryan coming in with his nephew to pick up the robot cake, and I told her how surreal the whole experience had been.

“And you’re really positive he’ll be back today? Even though he hasn’t called?”

I’d known that realistically he couldn’t have called. I’d told him the night before that I was due back at work the following morning at six, which meant he knew I was going to bed early. And it wasn’t like he could’ve called me while I was working. Still, Gina’s questions caused a flicker of doubt. Maybe I’d somehow built up the connection between us the night before unrealistically.

“I think he’ll be back,” I answered.

Gina spent the next hour talking about how shitty and unreliable men were in general. I ignored her as much as I could, focusing on piping intricate decorative icing patterns around the wedding cake we were working on. As the day passed and we got closer and closer to two o’clock, my anxiety level started spiking. How awful would it be if he didn’t show up? Yes, I had his phone number, but would he want to hear from me if he didn’t bother showing up for our date?

All of my worries were, of course, moot. My anxiety drained away when I turned and saw Ryan getting out of his car; his gaze focused entirely on me. Gone was the businessman from the night before. In his place was a panty-melting man clad in jeans and a blue t-shirt. He looked relaxed and hot, and I liked it a lot. When he entered the store, he came right to me, lacing our fingers together before leaning in to kiss my cheek. It was electric, and I lost my breath for several seconds as I squeezed his hand. Being connected to him made me feel secure and complete. With Ryan next to me, everything was right in the world.

I introduced him to Gina, who was looking back and forth between us with an expression of wonder. When I went back into the office to get my stuff, she followed me in.

“Holy crap,” she whispered, “the chemistry between the two of you is giving off major heat! You weren’t kidding.”

I was giddy as I grabbed my purse and grinned at her.

“I told you! He’s really something,” I said.

“No, you two are really something,” she corrected with a cheeky grin. “You’re so lit up for each other it might be a little too sweet.”

I shook my head as I picked up a beautifully decorated box full of handmade chocolates.

“We both know there’s no such thing as too sweet,” I teased over my shoulder as I left the room and went back out into the shop.

Ryan was right there waiting for me. I beamed at him like some crazy pageant queen as I made my way around the counter to his side.

“I’m ready,” I announced happily.

He took my hand again as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“Have fun today,” Gina called from behind the counter, “and then make sure to actually relax during your vacation!”

“I will,” I assured her, “but don’t be afraid to call if you need anything—”

Gina eye rolled as she shook her head emphatically. “I’ve got this. You’re the best employee of all time but you really do worry too much. I’m barricading the door if you get within a mile of this place. Don’t let me down.”

I assured her I wouldn’t, even though she and I both knew I’d come in to cover in a second if she needed me to.

Ryan held onto my hand as we left the store and made our way to his car.

“You’re on vacation this week?”

I nodded as we walked toward his car. “Gina is forcing me to take the week off. I get two weeks of vacation a year and I haven’t taken any of it in the four years I’ve been here. Even now that she’s forcing it, I still couldn’t decide what to do. I couldn’t be more boring if I tried. Other than a spa day, I’m just staying at home to watch Netflix this week,” I admitted.

Before he could open the passenger door, I handed the box full of chocolates to him. “I was experimenting with some new molds, so I made these for you today. It’s my own personal chocolate recipe.”

His eyes widened in surprise.

“I can’t believe you made me something,” he said.

“It’s small and silly, really. I made you robot shaped chocolates since you told your nephew you wanted to eat the robot legs. It’s not a big deal.”

He clutched the box of chocolates like it was a medal.